The Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies

The Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© offers guidance on the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes nurses require to succeed in the modern healthcare system. The two particularly crucial competencies that influence my nursing practice most are Quality and Safety and Informatics and Healthcare. Quality and safety are important for nurses since it emphasizes improving patient outcomes by providing safe and effective care. This competency consists of several elements, such as recognizing potential hazards, putting error-prevention methods into practice, and assessing the efficiency of care delivery. Nurses can ensure their patients receive safe, efficient treatment by incorporating this competency into their daily job.

Informatics and healthcare technologies is another critical competency for nurses because they are needed to improve patient outcomes, expedite care delivery, and improve communication among healthcare providers. For instance, telehealth technology offers remote treatment, while electronic health records keep track of patient care (Masters, 2020). A few elements of this competency include using data analytics to find trends and enhance care delivery. This competency should therefore be included in daily tasks to ensure that nurses use technology to enhance provider communication, patient outcomes, and care delivery.

BSN for the AACN Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technologies is the one that I think will have the biggest impact on raising the caliber of my future nursing practice. Given the growing usage of technology in healthcare, nurses must have the knowledge and the ability to use patient care technology (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative, 2020). I can handle patient information and use technology to improve patient care by implementing this necessary into my nursing practice (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008). For instance, by utilizing electronic health records (EHRs), I can quickly access patient data, monitor their progress, and work with other healthcare professionals to ensure they get the best care possible.

In conclusion, the AACN BSN Essentials and the Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies offer helpful direction on the information, abilities, and attitudes nurses need to succeed in the modern healthcare system. Nurses must adapt to new technologies, interact effectively with patients and colleagues, and provide safe, efficient, patient-centered care as healthcare changes. Therefore, nurses may ensure that they provide safe, efficient, patient-centered care that aligns with the highest standards of professionalism by incorporating these competencies and basics into their nursing practice.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Web.

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative. (2020). Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© Registered Nurse. Web.

Masters, K. (2020). Advancing and Managing Your Professional Nursing Career. In M. L. Coyne & C. Chatham (Ed. 5), Professional Nursing Practice (pp. 169–177). Jones and Bartlett.

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