The Impact of Government Campaigns on Society


The government campaigns are designed to address specific issues and contribute to their tackling. Furthermore, they can be related to gender discrimination, migration, educational problems, and in the modern world, mainly to global epidemics. The campaigns tend to be different in each country since they are created for people of certain viewpoints and mentality usually shared in the same nation. Thus, they are a necessary part of social education and awareness regarding serious problems.

The Aim and Impact of the Make Summer Unstoppable Campaign

The Make Summer Unstoppable campaign is designed to spread awareness in the US community regarding Covid-19 epidemics. Its main aim is to unite forces of the society and battle the virus to live in the world without any prohibitions, like obligatory masks, self-isolation, and home quarantine. In addition, this campaign encourages every citizen to get vaccinated to minimize the chances of getting sick and take frequent coronavirus tests to keep the whole community safe. Thus, the Make Summer Unstoppable campaign is efficient since people are united to battle a severe pandemics issue and are encouraged to forget about selfish culture and think about others.

Other Campaigns Regarding the Issue of Covid-19

The idea of educating society on Covid-19 reduction measures is common not only in the USA but in other countries. Moreover, the US government has also created other campaigns on the issue, such as The Whole Nation Together Against COVID-19, which proved efficient (Curtis et al., 2020). Thus, such movements are necessary since they spread awareness among residents regarding battling the coronavirus problem and encourage people to acquire a more prosocial behavior.


The governmental campaigns are usually designed to spread awareness about the severe problems or discriminations, though today, they tend to be mainly related to the global Covid-19 issue. Thus, the movements like Make Summer Unstoppable seem necessary to reduce sickness rates since people are united to battle a critical problem. Furthermore, residents are widely encouraged to mind not only their safety and health but others as well.


Curtis, V., Dreibelbis, R., Sidibe, M., Cardosi, J., Sara, J., Bonell, C., Mwambuli, K., Moulik, S. G., White, S., & Aunger, R. (2020). Strategic thinking in a pandemic: A blueprint for government-led national hygiene communication campaigns to combat COVID-19. Preprints. Web.

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