The Human Resource Frame Analysis

The implementation of the organizational structure and enhancement of the effectiveness of performance relies highly on the successful analysis through the frame system. The human resource frame is one of the four approaches to a detailed company study. Understanding the peculiarities of the frame presents an opportunity to detect possible issues and obstacles in the development of better professional outcomes based on the personal experience of employees and their overall performance.

The case I can present in this paper is closely connected with one of my previous professional experiences in a company. The knowledge of frames allows me to fully comprehend the problems and gaps in the working process that led to the loss of motivation and productivity. The analysis reveals the issues in its fulfillment through the theoretical background of human needs in organization management (Bolman & Deal, 2017). While working in the company, I began to experience a loss of motivation, which resulted in a further decrease in professional performance. Applying the human resource frame, I concluded that the company did not provide any means to secure the development of the employees and failed to create a feeling of belonging due to the lack of collaborative practices. Trying to give the best working outcomes without direct engagement in the company, I felt alienated in the workplace environment and exhausted. However, my responsibilities did not interfere with my personal feelings and should not be connected to the performance. Consequently, I left the company because the organization managers were unwilling to present full support and professional opportunities for the new workers, which immediately decreased the motivational factor.

Trying to analyze the gained experience through the organizational frames, I understand that it is a case of Human Resources due to the characteristics described in a theoretical description of the field. For instance, Argyris described a similar working chain that implied passive and dependent workflow in terms of personality in the organization with the search for better options (Bolman & Deal, 2017). It is directly evident in the aspect that states, “They stay on the job but withdraw psychologically, becoming indifferent, passive, and apathetic” (Bolman & Deal, 2017, p. 126). The process reflects the path I followed working in the company and suffered through unrealized possibilities. Additionally, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs depicts the same aspects central to my experience (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The lack of a higher point of self-actualization shows that the human resource frame is relevant in discussing the existing problem.

Many approaches could be taken to improve the situation regarding the empowerment of the employees and collaborative practices to unite the company as one working system. It can include a reward system for new employees, promotion organization from within based on educational opportunities for workers to improve their skills and knowledge, and encouragement in participation to enhance performance (Bolman & Deal, 2017). According to fundamental human resource concepts, high-performing businesses that follow mentioned practices are better at recognizing and meeting the demands of both their customers and employees.

The application of a symbolic frame shows the approach to the company’s success in general. A system of policies, professional objectives, and priorities unites employees, creating a structure where each worker contributes to fulfilling the common goal, regardless of the personal conditions of the employee. This point of view allows examining the management methods that provide effective outcomes at the same time without considering employees’ benefits. Therefore, the frames allow to analyze and understand the companies’ organizational peculiarities and define the performance’s issues and obstacles. Comparing the same situation through various frames makes it possible to determine weak and strong points in management.


Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations. Jossey-Bass.

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