The Case for Legalizing Assisted Suicide: Compassion, Autonomy, and Ethical Considerations


Despite the moral concerns surrounding assisted suicide, it should be legalized as a compassionate and ethical option for elderly people suffering from debilitating illnesses, unbearable pain, and a reduced quality of life, provided that adequate safeguards are in place to prevent abuse and protect vulnerable populations.

A complex and sensitive decision, legalizing assisted suicide involves significant moral and ethical issues. Legalizing assisted suicide would provide elderly individuals more autonomy over their own lives and healthcare decisions, especially in the case of terminal or debilitating illnesses that could cause them to experience severe suffering or discomfort (Calati et al., 2021).

Legalizing assisted suicide offers persons who are unable to lead pain-free lives an alternative to having to bear their pain (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). The option of assisted suicide can also be considered as a kind one that enables people to pass away respectfully on their own terms, and with the support of their loved ones.

Arguments in Favor of Legalization of Assisted Suicide

Justification of Assisted Suicide

In some countries like the U.S. or Switzerland, the practice of assisted suicide has become a norm because the legislation considers it a matter of an individual’s choice (Calati et al., 2021).

It means that a person is able to choose how to end their life or express the unwillingness to live

Physician-assisted dying, commonly known as assisted suicide, is a controversial subject that involves various moral and ethical issues. However, in certain countries, such as the United States or Switzerland, assisted suicide is now authorized since the law regards it as a personal decision (Calati et al., 2021). It is crucial to remember that any laws that permit assisted suicide must have sufficient protections in place to defend against abuse and protect vulnerable groups. To ensure that they fully comprehend the implications of their decision and are not being pressured or improperly influenced by others, legislation may, for instance, mandate that those who want to die by assisted suicide go through thorough counseling and examinations.

It is important to give elderly people the opportunity to properly manage their own body and life

People may get debilitating diseases as they get older, suffer from chronic pain, and have a lower quality of life. There is no cure for certain diseases in many situations and assisted suicide may be the only way to find comfort. Older adults feel more in charge of their own bodies and live when they can terminate their lives with peace (Calati et al., 2021). In addition, giving elderly people autonomy over their lives contributes to maintaining their worth and dignity. Instead of feeling powerless and at the mercy of their condition, it can be empowering for patients to make decisions about their own care and treatment.

Purpose and Benefits of Assisted Suicide

Assisted suicide was established with the intention of providing relief to individuals who are terminally ill and experiencing unbearable levels of pain.

Patients who received a prescription for lethal medication to end their lives reported significantly less pain and distress in their final days.

It is important to note that terminally ill patients who have the choice of assisted suicide suffer less in their final moments. Patients who had the choice of assisted suicide in one study reported less pain and distress than individuals who did not (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). According to the study, people who got lethal medication were more likely to pass away at home, surrounded by their loved ones, than in a hospital (Calati et al., 2021). Furthermore, people who might be experiencing a loss of control over their own bodies may find consolation in assisted suicide. It can be empowering and offer someone a sense of control over their own destiny to have the option to end their life on their terms.

Assisted suicide help alleviate patients’ sufferings and provides comfort even though their relatives might be against it.

One of the main advantages of assisted suicide is that it can alleviate great pain and suffering in patients, even if their loved ones do not support the choice. When a patient is dealing with a terminal disease, their family members could find it difficult to accept the reality of the circumstance and might cling to hope for a miraculous recovery or treatment (Calati et al., 2021). Patients may occasionally end up being kept alive artificially or undergoing procedures that could prolong their suffering as a result (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). Assisted suicide gives patients the freedom to choose how they want to die, regardless of what their loved ones think or want.

Arguments Against Legalization of Assisted Suicide

Ethical Concerns

On the other hand, opponents claim that assisted suicide is immoral.

Not only does taking one’s life contradict the religion, but it also imposes ethical considerations on the stakeholders.

The argument against assisted suicide is that it violates moral and religious values and is intrinsically wrong. Suicide is considered a sin by many religions, and they hold that only a higher power has the authority to decide when someone’s life should end. Opponents contend that medical professionals and other stakeholders must consider ethical issues while performing assisted suicide (Calati et al., 2021). They contend that doctors have a responsibility to protect life and avoid causing harm and that helping someone commit suicide goes against these core values (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). They contend that making assisted suicide legal could lead to a slippery slope where people who are not terminally ill but are dealing with depression or other mental health problems might also seek assisted suicide.

A doctor helping one to die opposes the central principle – not harm.

The primary principle of medicine, to do no harm, is allegedly violated by assisted suicide, according to opponents. They assume a doctor’s job is to treat patients and lessen their suffering, not to help them terminate their lives. For doctors, helping someone commit suicide might lead to conflicts of interest (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). It can be challenging to evaluate whether a doctor’s objectives are actually in the patient’s best interest when they are in charge of both the patient’s care and the choice to end their life (Calati et al., 2021). Patients could feel under pressure to choose assisted suicide as a result, even if they are not completely aware of the therapies or care options that are available.

Potential Societal Impact

Legalizing assisted suicide can have a detrimental effect on society (Calati et al., 2021).

This may change the attitude towards aging as an unfavorable phenomenon.

One of the problems raised by those opposed to assisted suicide is the possibility that legalizing the practice could encourage unfavorable views of aging and the elderly. If assisted suicide becomes a more regular choice for elderly individuals suffering from fatal diseases, it can give the sense that getting older and being sick are intrinsically wrong things and that dying is a better option (Appel & Van Wijngaarden, 2021). This might lead to a culture that perceives older adults as burdens on society and undervalues their life. The legalization of assisted suicide might change how medical professionals see the elderly. Physicians may be more inclined to recommend assisted suicide as a form of treatment for elderly patients if they believe it to be a legitimate alternative to other types of care or support. When assisted suicide is seen as an easier or quicker choice, this could result in elderly individuals not getting the full spectrum of care and support they require.

This can reduce the motivation to fight for the lives and health of elderly patients.

The quality of care and assistance were given to elderly patients may decline if assisted suicide becomes legal, according to opponents of the practice. Healthcare professionals may feel less driven to explore treatments and interventions to enhance their patients’ health and well-being if assisted suicide becomes a more regular choice for older people suffering from severe conditions (Calati et al., 2021). Furthermore, they could be less pressured to give end-of-life care that prioritizes pain relief and enhances the quality of life. A situation where insurance companies and healthcare providers are more likely to prioritize cost savings over patient care could result from the legalization of assisted suicide.


Despite the delicate nature of the subject, assisted suicide should be made legal as a humanitarian and compassionate choice for people who have incurable illnesses, are in excruciating pain, and have a lower quality of life. Legalizing assisted suicide would allow those suffering from terminal illnesses or severe, chronic discomfort to choose to end their lives in a compassionate and respectable manner instead of being forced to put up with unbearable distress and suffering.

Making assisted suicide legal would also give people dealing with circumstances beyond their control a feeling of control and autonomy. They would have the option to choose how they wish to end their lives, with the support of qualified medical professionals who can ensure the procedure is painless, safe, and respectful.


Appel, J. E., & Van Wijngaarden, E. (2021). Older adults who experience their lives to be completed and no longer worth living: A systematic Mini-Review into used terminology, definitions, and interpretations. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Web.

Calati, R., Olié, E., Dassa, D., Gramaglia, C., Guillaume, S., Madeddu, F., & Courtet, P. (2021). Euthanasia and assisted suicide in psychiatric patients: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 135, 153–173. Web.

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