Sustainable Use of Energy and Resources


Bringing up a building is a very tasking issue for the contractors and the support team he or she works with. The most pressing issue of the whole saga is that the energy they use is at most perceived as a wide and unimportant usage of the scarce resource and the energy used is not rightly needed for the particular investment. For such a person to be able to accomplish the goals that are set during the initial planning of the structures, he needs the right resources and energy that shall help him or her to propel the whole issue into success. Lack of resources, on the other hand, shall lead to the delay of doing the right job and coming up with the building as stipulated in the initial specifications in the building in books of design and planning (Christopher, 2006).

. Due to the greater demand of energy both as a manual which defines a system that needs the physical manpower at the site of constructions and the skills to enable the making of rational decisions where the builders have delegated the power and authority to take tasks as their own and settle issues amicably, a greater deal of the energy used is at the end wasted if the actions taken turns out to be less useful. At most times the actions would be made through consultations and this further extends on the resources that could have gone to waste if the conclusion reached led to inconsiderate utilization of resources. Duties that do not comprise bringing into place a building have the capability to save on energy as only the right resources are utilized and wastages are eliminated completely. When compared a task that has the building aspect in it does lead to exhaustion of resources that were allocated to the accomplishment of the aims yet processes which have no aspect of building in many cases do spare some of the resources and this was according to Obstfeld and Rogoff report.

Main body

Building and construction sector has for a longer duration been blamed for the vast wastage of energy and resources when the people charged with the responsibilities are not ready to work toward efficiency use. Due to this majority of building and construction authorities have been put up and charged with the responsibility of ensuring that a building master plan is energy efficient. These plans should be containing the measures that span entire of the building lifecycle and the overall usages of each and every resource that are not actually relative for the sailing through of the construction. The wasteful nature of energy when being used when building can only be brought down by actually ensuring that the energy-efficient mechanisms such as the standards are made up from the word go and the systems that do lead to sustainability of the same are put in place first and efficiently and they should have the capacity to relive the industry from the wastage of energy. The nature of wastage when counter-checked by the analysis of the option of staying away from the wasteful building does indicate that the only kind of energy which can be saved from this agony is the one not used in the sector. The building planning and design are the parameters that determine the extent of the energy use in the present and future and out of these facts efforts to bring down wastage have been enacted through the outlining of the relevant regulations (Goldberg and Tille 34). The only energy resource that can only be sustainable be saved is the one that has not yet been wasted and is still available as a raw resource and has the potentiality of production that they had at the initial stages. These are resources that when used in an alternative venture of the no building natures are very productive. Due to the extensive wastage of energy during the construction of buildings, the cost-effective sequential method is the only route that can help reduce the overall consumption. So that some of this resource can be saved the building of zero energy-consuming facilities is actually recommendable to facilitate conservation of the not depleted energy. Sustainability of resources which has not yet been misused through the building and construction is done by the adaptation of the systems that are energy efficient which lowers the overall demand of the energy base to sustain the construction of a building. The advantages that can be attained from such mechanisms, for instance the zero energy buildings are the reduction of severity concerning the overall amount of energy is needed to move a task. The reduction in the amount of energy that is needed by the builders is attributed to the usage of favorable systems that could not be able to attain if they are not in place. Beyond this energy favorable procedures that are usable to the building sector could also bring down the overall possession costs because they have led to energy conservation and efficiency. Usage of the resources is more efficient due to the fact that a process that is friendlier to the rare resources has been put in place and used effectively (Keylor, 1992). As a result the resources can be used in a manner that reserves the reminder and does lead to the sustainability of it. Building is an industrial sector that is quite demanding to the national resources and the monitoring after proper allocation is the most basic thing that a particular establishment can undertake to facilitate proper utilization of its resources to ensure that it cares for the future of production. Economic resources are limited and scarce and as a result their conservation is a mandatory thing to the parties using them. Failure to use them effectively leads to wastage and an economic resource gone is not recoverable.


The usage of the resources under building and construction sector is vital and need to be properly managed to ensure they are not wasted and misappropriated. The already wasted due to the vast calling for resources in the building sector are not able to be recovered but new efficient mechanisms are the only way out and these could help with the sustainability of resources that have been saved from the agony (Keylor, 1992).

Work cited

Mark, D.(2007).Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy. New yolk: Prentice hall

Barend, A. & Anderson. (1987). Future Optimize Energy Use. Washington D.C: Seven Locks Press.

Keynes, J. M. (1980.) Net zero source energy use. London: Cambridge University Press

Keylor, W. (1992).Zero energy building versus Green building. New York City: Oxford Press.

Christopher, A. S. (2006).Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility. New York City: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Goldberg, L. & Tille,C. (2008).The Energy harvest versus Energy conservation. New York City: Oxford Press.

Ron, P. & Clint , W. (2007).The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment Opportunity. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.

Obstfeld, M. & Rogoff, K. (2004). Assessing the potential for energy-efficiency improvements. New York City: Oxford Press.

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