Support for S.4204: Ensuring Health Care Access for All in Washington DC

Support for Medicare for All Act

As a representative of a student organization concerned about access to health care in the state of Washington DC, I want to express support for S.4204, “Medicare for All Act”. This law contributes to the formation of a national program within the framework of health insurance. The system is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which exercises the necessary oversight.

Bill Provisions and Coverage

The bill’s main point is that any country resident has the right to receive health care services. It includes a prohibition on co-insurance costs, various co-payments, and other payments, including fees for covered services. At the same time, the law excludes from this list drugs prescribed to patients by prescription from a specialist.

Impact on Federal Programs and Insurance Coverage

In addition, when passed, the bill suspends some federal programs aimed at a faster transition from the proposed system. At the same time, insurance coverage for some population groups remains in force in other areas. These include the Department of Veterans Affairs, TRICARE, and the Indian Health Service (S.4204 – Medicare for All Act of 2022, n.d.). I fully support the bill’s ideas, as they will facilitate access to the necessary treatment for all population groups.

Challenges of the US Healthcare System

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the US healthcare system is one of the most expensive in the world and requires a significant amount of money from citizens (Americans’ challenges, n.d.). 41% of local residents report having various debts after treatment that were not covered by insurance (Americans’ challenges, n.d.). People with low incomes are the most vulnerable group since they, in most cases, do not have health insurance and cannot even pay a visit to a general practitioner.

Consequences of Inadequate Healthcare Access

This situation is a significant problem in the US, as people cannot afford the treatment they need. A quarter of adults report that they or their family members do not follow prescribed directions, reduce the dose of drugs, or split pills in two to avoid high costs (Americans’ challenges, n.d.). Accordingly, the condition of patients worsens, and the disease can progress. This leads to a decrease in immunity, problems with further treatment, and sometimes death. Although the US authorities offer health protection programs, more is needed to cover the needs of all those who need financial support.

Disparities in Healthcare Access

In 2021, the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) published a report stating that one in 11 adults has difficulty accessing healthcare services (How does cost affect access to healthcare?, n.d.). This is due to the delay in medical care or its complete absence due to the high cost or lack of insurance. At the same time, adults among ethnic minorities, including the Hispanic population, are more vulnerable in health care payment surveys. Hispanics express their concern, as about 60% will not be able to cover the costs in the event of illness or accident (How does cost affect access to healthcare?, n.d.). This means they are in constant danger and are forced to self-medicate or not pay attention to their condition.

Progress and Limitations of Current Health Programs

However, in recent years the country has made some progress in providing health services at a reduced cost. This is primarily due to Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (10 things to know about Medicaid, n.d.). They provide free or low-cost medical services to the population in need. Medicaid is specifically designed to help low-income people get the help they need. In fact, the program covers only one in five residents and only includes some medical services. Nevertheless, people can get first aid and many other necessary treatments under Medicaid.

Need for Improvement in Healthcare Spending

Despite all the introductions, spending in the health care system needs significant improvements. S.4204 aims to cover those healthcare goods and services that are medically necessary for each individual case. Thanks to this, patients will be able to receive treatment and rehabilitation for their health if it threatens their lives and activities. As mentioned earlier, the state has introduced programs to support the population’s spending on medical services. However, they need to be distributed more actively to cover the needs of each applied patient.

Potential Benefits of S.4204

The plan is to enable the public to reduce insurance costs and make it easier to enroll in the system. Thus, the bill proposes some provisions that can improve the current situation. This includes prohibiting employers or private healthcare companies from providing clients with benefits included in the S.4204 program (S.4204 – Medicare for All Act of 2022, n.d.). This approach is designed to reduce the number of points provided in insurance coverage to protect people from spending.

Call to Action for Legislative Support

Evidence has shown that the population’s general health may be affected by the high costs they are forced to pay to obtain health services. However, the government has paid attention to this problem in recent years and aims to introduce programs to provide the necessary medical care. The population’s health is an essential point for the development of the nation, and due legal attention should be paid to this area. In this regard, I encourage a Legislative Committee to vote for S.4204 and help people needing medical assistance.


Americans’ challenges with health care costs. (n.d.). KFF. Web.

How does cost affect access to healthcare? (n.d.). Health System Tracker. Web.

S.4204 – Medicare for All Act of 2022. (n.d.). Congress.Gov. Web.

10 things to know about Medicaid: Setting the facts straight. (n.d.). KFF. Web.

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