Sun City Board Company Decision-Making Barriers

The macroeconomic climate and internal resources are integral aspects that enable organizations to achieve a competitive edge. The SWOT analysis conducted on the Sun City Board Company reveals macroeconomic issues, including evidence-based projections and decision-making, that can affect this organization’s operational balance (Ramsey). The internal processes, such as barriers to individual decision-making and managing groups, also limit productivity. Therefore, the barriers to individual decision-making, evidence-based decision-making and managing group decisions at Sun City Board Company are addressed.

Critical barriers to individual decision-making include;

  1. Drawing conclusions or deductions based on outdated information or unreliable sources is a barrier that leads to poor decision-making.
  2. Individual bias or subjective opinion could lead to distorted facts, which affects rational decision-making.
  3. Many options providing solutions can create a dilemma resulting in inappropriate decision-making (Ramsey).

The barrier to Evidence-Based Decision Making depends on the company’s internal resources. For instance;

  1. Lack of adequate skills in research could result in disregard for evidence research findings, affecting proper decision-making.
  2. Bounded rationality affects the analysis of available data due to limited thinking capacity.
  3. Time constraints affect how much people delve into the research considering that a limited timeline could result in rushed decision-making (Ramsey).

Other factors affecting the effective management of group decisions include;

  1. The poor organizational culture that hinders interpersonal relations
  2. Diversity of thought, whereby everyone has a different opinion, limits collective decision-making.
  3. Group conflicts hinder effective teamwork and engagement (Ramsey).

Issues affecting effective decision-making at Sun City Board Company include information-related barriers, biased decision-making, and multiple solutions available. Other barriers hindering evidence-based decisions are inadequate research skills among stakeholders, bounded rationality, and limited human capacity. Group dynamic barriers such as poor interpersonal relationships, diverse opinions, and group conflicts hinder better governance and management.

Work Cited

Ramsey, Roseanna. Barriers to Effective Decision-Making. Alembic Strategy. Web.

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