Suicide Prevention as a Public Health Issue


Suicide refers to a person’s decision to end their own life. It is probable that some individuals will seek respite from their agony or pain by using this. People who constantly focus on the negative aspects of life rather than the positive are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and actions. Those who habitually focus on undesirable situations in life are less likely to be motivated to make positive changes in their own lives. There are numerous potential triggers for suicidal ideation. When a person is forced to deal with a situation that is too challenging for them, they frequently experience a sense of helplessness, which can lead to suicide ideation.

If one does not have faith in the future, they risk fooling themselves into thinking that taking their own life is a reasonable choice. A person could be experiencing tunnel vision, a mental condition in which you believe that the only way out of a difficult situation is to take your own life. They also experience feelings of growing pessimism and worthlessness throughout their lifetime. The onset of suicidal ideation is frequently precipitated by a preexisting psychiatric condition, the most common of which are clinical depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and manic-depressive mania. This study will employ a motivational theory-based strategy to help depressed individuals prevent suicidal thoughts by increasing their self-awareness and motivation.

Literature Review

A significant amount of research on the topic of suicide has been undertaken by a variety of researchers, with a special focus on the circumstances that lead to people’s decision to end their lives. According to several research, depression is one of the primary factors for suicidal ideation. This emphasizes the importance of addressing depression early on to prevent depressed individuals from taking their own life. According to their findings, Gijzen et al. (2018) emphasize the need to change people’s behavior to divert depressed individuals’ thoughts away from suicidal ideas. Their research emphasizes the necessity of helping depressed people to analyze the good aspects of their lives rather than focusing on the negative ones. The purpose of motivational theory is to get people to focus more on improving their performance in whatever pleasant activity they choose to do.

People who suffer from depression are more likely to hurt themselves due to a combination of circumstances, including a lack of motivation and feelings of self-pity. They believe that their lives are pointless and have no meaning, so they do not see any need to continue living and bothering the people they care about. Throughout their research, Kelliher et al. (2018) emphasize how important it is to create a positive attitude toward depressed individuals. They underline the importance of maintaining a good attitude since it enables those who are afflicted to see the many obstacles that they must overcome. The impact that both positive and negative aspects have on an individual’s level of contentment is recognized by the motivational theory developed by Hertzberg, which is stressed in this passage. A positive attitude has an effect that is wanted, which would considerably impact an individual who is depressed, leading to the individual acquiring happiness and self-fulfillment and hence being free from the thoughts of suicide.


Prevention measures

The initial step in any intervention should be locating and assisting the person of interest. People who require assistance or support do not typically look for it on their own. It is crucial to identify people in danger of committing suicide to connect them with the resources they require the most. Screening for suicidal ideation and educating the general public about warning signs of suicidal people, according to Menon et al. (2018), can be of assistance to people in minimizing their risk of suicide by educating them on recognizing when they need support and how to go about obtaining it for themselves. An essential part of preventing people from killing themselves by suicide is making sure they have access to effective treatments, programs that raise awareness about the issue, and care networks that are well-coordinated.

Eliminating financial, social, and logistical barriers is yet another important step in improving access to effective treatment for mental health conditions like depression and suicide. Interacting productively with those who are experiencing a crisis. It is possible that students, staff, or members of your community who are experiencing severe emotional distress will require a wide range of different types of assistance from your organization (Menon et al., 2018). Helplines are just one component of a more comprehensive treatment continuum that also includes mobile emergency squads, walk-in crisis centers, hospital-based mental services, and peer-support groups. The assessment, stabilization, and recommendations for continuing treatment that are offered by crisis programs directly address the risk of suicide.


Regardless of the circumstances, it is unethical and inhumane for a person to take their own life. As a result, the problem of rising rates of suicide needs to be addressed to guarantee that human life is preserved. According to the findings of this study as well as the supporting review of research from other studies, motivational theory plays a significant part in bringing down the high rates of suicide that have been recorded over the course of time (Nuij et al., 2018) This method educates people to have a positive attitude toward those who are suffering, which in turn encourages such victims to have a new outlook on life. The goal of the theory is to alter an individual’s behavior so that they can acquire positive characteristics and, as a result, avoid suicidal thoughts.


Gijzen, M. W., Creemers, D. H., Rasing, S. P., Smit, F., & Engels, R. C. (2018). Evaluation of a multimodal school-based depression and Suicide Prevention Program among Dutch adolescents: Design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1).

Kelliher R, J., Hirsch, J. K., & Chang, E. C. (2018). Positive psychology and suicide prevention: An introduction and overview of the literature. A Positive Psychological Approach to Suicide, 1–15.

Menon, V., Subramanian, K., Selvakumar, N., & Kattimani, S. (2018). Suicide prevention strategies: An overview of current evidence and best practice elements. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research, 5(2), 43.

Nuij, C., van Ballegooijen, W., Ruwaard, J., de Beurs, D., Mokkenstorm, J., van Duijn, E., de Winter, R. F. P., O’Connor, R. C., Smit, J. H., Riper, H., & Kerkhof, A. (2018). Smartphone-based safety planning and self-monitoring for suicidal patients: Rationale and study protocol of the caspar (continuous assessment for suicide prevention and research) study. Internet Interventions, 13, 16–23.

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