Significance and Relevance of Academic Research


Research is conducted to find answers to meaningful questions and issues using a systematic approach. It provides one with a deeper understanding of relevant topics and has also been linked to innovation, model design, sales policies, campaign development, and strategic propositions. This paper analyzes the significance and pertinence of academic research in consulting management; it also contains a description of scholarly reviewed articles and how they influence sound decision-making.

Purpose of Academic Research

Academic research provides standardized and objective information that could be translated into innovative solutions and interventions. Students can also conduct surveys to seek new knowledge to enhance personal and social development. Furthermore, scholastic studies help professionals create postulations that enable humans to understand the world better. Although contested, academic research also informs practice through books and publications. According to Manville and Chudasama (2017), educational reviews are a skill-making tool that enables an individual to translate unrelated experiences into abstract models and knowledge applicable in business environments. Academic and business research studies are qualitatively different; however, these study methods are similar, which makes academic research’s findings useful to practicing managers.

Relevance in Consulting Management

Academic research is pertinent in consulting management as it provides young professionals with the adroitness needed to resolve actual-life issues objectively. This view is supported by Manville and Chudasama (2017), who argue that the survey methods learned in business schools can be used in real-life contexts. A professional consultant must possess explicit knowledge of a wide range of models, frameworks, and approaches. The cognizance of the aforementioned concepts can be acquired by conducting scholastic surveys. Empirical case studies, for example, accurately illustrate how research methods are applied in business contexts. Consultant managers must use creative and critical thinking skills to test the hypothesis (client problem), access the right information to answer their questions, and apply the insight to find objective solutions and recommendations.

Scholarly Reviewed Articles

A scholarly reviewed article can be defined as an academic study or research piece, written by experts and critically assessed by other professionals in the field before publication (“Research Process: Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Journals,” 2021). Other intellectuals in the author’s discipline typically conduct a critical analysis of the review’s draft and provide constructive and comprehensive feedback. A peer-reviewed article must satisfy a set of requirements, including providing robust evidence for its conclusion and presenting original data and findings.

Importance of Scholarly Reviewed Articles

Knowledge is built from the ideas and discoveries made by others in a particular discipline. Scholarly reviewed surveys contain authoritative and credible information due to the rigorous peer-review process. Referred sources contribute to a research paper’s quality since the ideas and methods used to arrive at conclusions are verifiable and credible. Therefore, because the findings of referred articles are reliable, professionals can use them to make decisions. Sound judgments are made by basing resolutions on facts rather than assumptions and emotions.

The Article’s Summary

In the article “Follower – Leader relation and its influence on team’s efficiency” by Dan Miricescu, the author conducted quantitative research to analyze follower-leader relationships and how these interrelations affect team efficiency. Miricescu (2015) hypothesized that a workforce’s effectiveness depends on the interconnection between the leader and his followers – an association mediated by a manager’s communication skills. The study findings revealed that an employer’s leadership proficiency was important for improving workers’ job gratification and productivity (Miricescu, 2015). The information contained in the article highlights the role of people-centered management strategies and servant leadership in influencing outcomes. The primary conception learned from this review is that through effectual communication, a company head can influence coherence among staff members and their receptiveness to criticism.


Part of a consultant’s responsibility is to advise client organizations on their management practices. This research’s findings are useful in consulting management because they provide insightful information on how organizational leaders can improve team efficiency through effective leadership. The article’s conceptions can be used to modify an organization’s administrative practices and enhance better performance. Therefore, it is evident that academic research equips consultant managers with the skills needed to conduct rigorous and systematic analyses to enhance an enterprise’s operations.


Manville, G., & Chudasama, C. (2017). Applying research methods in strategy consulting. In Manville, G., Matthias, O., & Campbell, J. (Eds.), Management Consultancy Insights and Real Consultancy Projects (pp. 95–107). Routledge.

Miricescu, D. (2015). Follower-leader relation and its influence on teams’ efficiency. Review of Management & Economic Engineering, 14(1), 65–77.

Research process: Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals. (2021). NorthCentral University Library. Web.

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