Resistance to Responding to New Ideas

Challenge Description

The study’s main difficulty is resistance to new ideas and change in a collaborative environment. The current situation’s changes and technology advancements have forced firms to adapt to new processes as a means of expansion. Once a corporation understands the benefits of change, it is up to that company to consider the significance of change and how opposition to it can affect its growth. Such an attempt could create and apply models and procedures to manage resistance to change. These models can provide businesses with cutting-edge ways to compete and maintain their position as market leaders. It is necessary to identify resistance and manage it for the organization to achieve its goals (Kelly, 2018). It is clear that resistance on the part of organizations, and the people they are made up of, can erect obstacles and make it difficult to implement successful organizational changes.

The current work is pertinent for contributing to the research’s target company and offering models to deal with change resistance. Additionally, it will support pupils and broaden their knowledge of the subject. Since the firm manager can use the change management methods produced in this work to ensure that results are attained in the most efficient manner possible, the research and analysis of the theme are now appropriate (Chandra-Mouli et al., 2018). A competitive advantage for the company may arise from the research’s ability to give it the knowledge that will assist it in managing change resistance.

Applying Course Concepts to the Leadership Challenge

Team Building Theory

The term “team building” can mean either the formation or strengthening of a team. A sequence of activities known as “team building” is used to forge and reinforce bonds between members of the same group or, in a professional setting, the same team or department (Oreg et al., 2018). Team building has been more popular among the strategies used by managers, business owners, and HR specialists in recent years. It can unite people and strengthen genuine relationships that motivate resolving issues and obstacles at work.

However, as a people management tool, executives and businesses can completely implement team-building methodologies. As a result, it is essential to create a strategy that incorporates team-building activities into the schedule of the firm department or team and makes them a regular element of the business (Oreg et al., 2018). A comprehensive plan will even allow for testing numerous action kinds and selecting the most effective ones at a certain period. The team-building technique will continuously support managers and the HR team by gathering data and making comparisons to validate. To coordinate employees within a company, team building is used. Thus, it is crucial to foster cohesion and teamwork, and team building is a valuable tool in this regard.

Leading with Purpose Concept

The organization is driven chiefly by its head, who also holds the group’s power. Additionally, a company’s success depends on its leaders. Creating an effective team is closely related to the role of the relationship associated with the leader. Specifically, the role of the leader in the development and formation of work teams, management of staffing that helps achieve organizational goals, opening, fostering, and controlling external and internal relations of the organization, as well as representatives for the organization (Hermann-Wilmarth & Ryan, 2019). If every team member is willing to work and provide their best effort for the team’s success by the aims of team creation, the task will be completed successfully.

Talking about the need for organizational change is one of the best ways to overcome opposition. The leader should explain the motivation behind the change as they apply this strategy. The manager should inform their staff that some procedures are no longer performing as expected and, if this is the case, make it evident that the business must adapt to boost sales, retain staff, or acquire visibility. When employees are aware of the new reality within the organization, resistance to change starts to decline (Hermann-Wilmarth & Ryan, 2019). Therefore, now is the perfect opportunity to persuade your team that the suggested changes are essential if they want to see everyone succeed.

Employee Motivation Theory

Talking about the need for organizational change is one of the best ways to overcome opposition. The leader should explain the motivation behind the change as they apply this strategy. The manager should inform their staff that some procedures are no longer performing as expected and, if this is the case, make it evident that the business must adapt to boost sales, retain staff, or acquire visibility. When employees are aware of the new reality within the organization, resistance to change starts to decline (Hermann-Wilmarth & Ryan, 2019). Therefore, now is the perfect opportunity to persuade your team that the suggested changes are essential if they want to see everyone succeed.

Fortunately, company executives have various options to inspire their staff and steer their organization toward success. Strategies can be used in even the most routine aspects of a business’s daily operations and inspire the work team. Motivation is highly individual. The motivation that drives team leaders to work hard differs from that of their team members. Only actions people believe to be in their best interests will be taken (Hermann-Wilmarth & Ryan, 2019). Every day when they report to work, they are working for themselves, not for their employer. As a result, a leader must comprehend each individual’s unique fundamental motivations and objectives.

Analyzing the Leadership Challenge

Reasons for Resistance to Responding to New Ideas

Some elements of the change process and personal views of the effects of change lead to resistance to reacting to new ideas. People are averse to change because it’s impossible to predict the future, it’s challenging to get from one state to the proposed one, it’s challenging for employees to deal with novel and complex situations, and they’ve had bad experiences with changes in the past (Oreg et al., 2018). The sense of loss coupled with the struggle to accept something new is one of the people’s most vital reactions to change. Everyone is impacted by this psychological process, even when the shift indicates positives like promotion and expansion.

When opposition sparks discussions about important decisions, which leads to better conclusions, it can be viewed positively in some circumstances. People react when faced with a need for change, especially if that need is accompanied by a sensation threatening their current sense of security. When resistance impedes the organization’s progress, it might be seen negatively (Hermann-Wilmarth & Ryan, 2019). In summary, resistance to change is seen as a critical and creative process, but it becomes destructive when it prevents the implementation changes inside the company.

Effects for Resistance to Responding to New Ideas (200 words)

Resistance to change and new ideas have various effects on the business. Although not wholly unsuccessful, very few of the change processes have been a rousing success. The bulk lies between these two extremes, and the results are precise (Ju & Lee, 2020). Resistance to new ideas results in time, effort, and financial losses, as well as harm to managers’ and employees’ motivation (Ju & Lee, 2020). According to academic and managerial literature, the biggest obstacle to successful change is resistance to change, defined as any behavior that tries to preserve the status quo in the face of pressure to change it. The only tangible outcome, meanwhile, has been the promotion of various “recipes” for getting through resistance, which frequently dusts the bookshelves of CEOs and – with a little less vigor – of academics.

The essence of the Leadership Challenge

Importance of Resisting New Ideas

Organizational reform is one of today’s primary activities for businesses and institutions worldwide. Organizations used to change when there were actual, pressing demands, but nowadays, they prefer to push for change constantly. Organizations adapt to the changing business environment, new rules and regulations, new technology, and shifting partner or customer preferences (Saleem et al., 2018). The truth is that most businesses still struggle to lead changes successfully, even though so much practice should have resulted in perfection. According to academic and managerial literature, the biggest obstacle to change success is resistance to change, defined as any behavior that tries to preserve the status quo in the face of pressure to change it.

Change Suggestions


Sharing Company Goals

The goals must be reachable since individuals become discouraged when they seem impossible to reach. Try to set more manageable, smaller goals for your employees. Try to meet with the team once the goals have been clearly defined to deliver the goals in a straightforward manner (Saleem et al., 2018). Members of the team must understand why they are working and be able to relate to what they are doing. In this manner, the team can foresee challenges, establish objectives, and modify the task as anticipated. The best motivator overall is the capacity to recognize and address the issues that impede people from accomplishing these objectives.

Strengthen the Team

As much as a business must rely on figures, analytics, income, and team-oriented objectives, it is also essential to understand how to interact with the coworkers that make up the work team. It is typical for people to lose motivation when things are tough (Saleem et al., 2018). For instance, leaders’ verbal support may be sufficient to handle organizational problems, including employee misunderstandings or conflicts.

Stimulate Internal Recognition

Although receiving praise from a manager is terrific, employees also value recognition from their peers. Employee performance improves when a positive group mindset and opportunities for advancement are created. Utilizing the group as a whole is one strategy for inspiring the work team. By putting a positive review of one of your coworkers in a gratitude box, you can easily ensure that your team always has something to be grateful for (Saleem et al., 2018). Include a brief note that will be read on a particular day of the week.

Pending Lessons

Small, frequent meetings enable the leader to address issues with their team members while also helping to monitor the job. Finding a solution is more straightforward when the lack of motivation and its root reasons are identified. Having a weekly meeting with your staff is a wonderfully effective practice. It is undoubtedly a fantastic approach to inspire the team at work. These sessions don’t need to go very long, but they should happen occasionally.


Chandra-Mouli, V., Plesons, M., Hadi, S., Baig, Q., & Lang, I. (2018). Building support for adolescent sexuality and reproductive health education and responding to resistance in conservative contexts: Cases from Pakistan. Global Health: Science and Practice, 6(1), 128-136.

Hermann-Wilmarth, J. M., & Ryan, C. L. (2019). Navigating parental resistance: Learning from responses of LGBTQ-inclusive elementary school teachers. Theory Into Practice, 58(1), 89-98.

Ju, N., & Lee, K. H. (2020). Consumer resistance to innovation: smart clothing. Fashion and Textiles, 7(1), 1-19.

Kelly, L. L. (2018). A Snapchat story: How black girls develop strategies for critical resistance in school. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(4), 374-389.

Oreg, S., Bartunek, J. M., Lee, G., & Do, B. (2018). An affect-based model of recipients’ responses to organizational change events. Academy of Management Review, 43(1), 65-86.

Saleem, Z., Hassali, M. A., & Hashmi, F. K. (2018). Pakistan’s national action plan for antimicrobial resistance: translating ideas into reality. The Lancet infectious diseases, 18(10), 1066-1067.

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