Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Processes

The research, evidence-based practice (EBP), and nursing processes are all important in the field of healthcare, but they serve different purposes and have distinct similarities and differences. EBP has become the major key to enhancing the quality of care and improving patient outcomes. Meanwhile, nursing research is the process of research with the aim of finding new information and bringing about new knowledge. Finally, the nursing process is the method of care arrangement. Whereas ass three have their own structure and goals, each one is an inseparable component of successful care.

The research process is a systematic method of investigating a specific question or problem in order to generate new knowledge. It typically incorporates the identification of a research question, a review of literature, the development of a research proposal, collection and analysis of data, and interpretation and dissemination of the findings (Fisher & Bloomfield, 2019). The goal of research is to collect new data that can be used to improve patient outcomes and the overall healthcare system.

The EBP process is a way of making clinical decisions based on the best available evidence. It involves the following steps: identifying a clinical question, conducting a literature search, thoroughly evaluating the evidence and applying it to clinical practice, and assessing the outcome of the decision (Chien, 2019). The goal of EBP is to ensure that clinical decisions are based on evidence rather than personal opinion. Finally, the nursing process is a systematic way of planning and providing patient care. It includes the assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The goal of the nursing process is to provide individualized, patient-centered care that is based on the patient’s unique needs.

One similarity between the research, EBP, and nursing processes is that they all involve a systematic approach to problem-solving. Each process presupposes identifying a problem or question, gathering information, and making decisions based on that information. Additionally, all three processes are cyclical in nature, meaning that the steps are repeated as often as necessary in order to achieve the desired outcome. Another similarity is that all three processes involve critical thinking and decision-making. The research and nursing processes require the mentioned components in the selection of the research question and data collection and interpretation, while in the EBP process, one needs to critically evaluate the evidence.

However, there are also some key differences between the three processes. One major dissimilarity is that the research process focuses on generating new knowledge, whereas the EBP process utilizes existing knowledge to make clinical decisions, and the nursing process is based on providing individualized patient care. Additionally, the research process is typically conducted by researchers in a laboratory or academic setting, whereas the EBP process is undertaken by healthcare professionals in a clinical setting (Fisher & Bloomfield, 2019). In its turn, the nursing process is part of nurses’ work in a healthcare setting (Chien, 2019). Another difference is that the research process is often conducted in a controlled environment, whereas the EBP and nursing processes are undertaken in real-world settings where many variables can affect the outcome. Additionally, the research process is usually conducted on a large population, and its findings are generalized. Meanwhile, the EBP and nursing processes are focused on the individual patient.

In summary, nursing procedures, research, and evidence-based practice (EBP) are all significant in the healthcare industry, but they have distinct functions and distinctions. All three processes involve critical thinking, decision-making, and a systematic approach to problem-solving. However, there are also key divergencies, such as the main focus of each process. The EBP process is centered on applying current knowledge to clinical decisions, the nursing process is focused on delivering personalized patient care, and the research process is focused on producing new knowledge.


Chien, L.-Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), e29. Web.

Fisher, M. J., & Bloomfield, J. (2019). Understanding the research process. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(1), 22-27. Web.

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