Reducing Tobacco Use Among Adults

Tobacco is a herb which leaves are dehydrated and processed before being used to manufacture tobacco items. Desiccated tobacco leaves are utilized to produce snuff, chewing tobacco, as well as cigarettes and pipes. In terms of an overview, cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung illnesses, hypertension, and various chronic diseases, which encompass an individual’s well-being, are related to tobacco consumption. The knowledge gap can be described as the lack of relevant information concerning the transfer from typical tobacco products to electronic analogs. In 2019, approximately 50.6 million individuals in the United States, which is 20.8% of the population confirmed utilizing any form of tobacco, namely cigarettes, 14.0%, electronic cigarettes, 4.5%, cigars, 3.6%, and chewing tobacco, 2.4% (Cornelius et al., 2020). To highlight the situation worldwide, there is a substantial predominance in smoking on the side of males, with the greatest discrepancies in regular cigarette smoking occurring in the Western Pacific Region, as in Figure 1 (Perez-Warnisher et al., 2018). In order to refer to potential monetary costs, it is feasible to emphasize the necessity for the government to provide medical services and productivity loss linked to early death and indirect smoke exposure.

Global tobacco use prevalence in men 
Figure 1. Global tobacco use prevalence in men 

Defining specific management strategies that affect change at the community level, it can be stated that numerous policies that are initiated by the governmental authorities and civil servants are being elaborated and tested globally. International and national rules and guidelines aimed at implementing cost-effective smoking-cessation measures can have a major influence on public health while also protecting nonsmokers (Perez-Warnisher et al., 2018). Smoke-free regulations, tobacco price rises, greater accessibility to tobacco cessation therapies, as well as anti-tobacco propaganda and media campaigns are considered to be efficient and beneficial approaches that should be maintained (Perez-Warnisher et al., 2018). The major purpose of anti-smoking legislation and programs is to protect nonsmokers from the secondhand smoke. Smoke-free regulations, on the other hand, can enable and assist tobacco users in quitting and containing the commencement of the tobacco consumption.

Anti-smoking commercials on television are an essential part of comprehensive tobacco control initiatives. They are intended to counteract pro-tobacco messaging and promote pro-health communications across a state, region, or society. Modern and thoughtful presentation of the right information for people, especially those who are actively influenced by the negative factors of tobacco use, can affect the psychological aspect of the issue. Consequently, involving technological developments and interactive means of communication, those responsible for minimizing this issue can expand the range of their tools to transform public attitudes towards the tobacco.

Describing advanced practice roles, in order to decrease tobacco consumption it is obligatory to apply not only community-level methodologies, but also underline the importance of individual and group techniques. For instance, this measures can be compiled of counselling sessions and medical care assistance with an impact on the psychological aspects of the issue. Relating to the particular procedures, for example, every patient’s tobacco consumption condition can be determined and documented by specialists at every appointment. In addition, experts should encourage each tobacco user to discontinue in a straightforward, forceful, and detailed manner to recognize the following reaction.

What concerns key community and social resources that affect the issue, firstly, it is necessary to comprehend the definition. Both concrete commodities, including money, information, products, and services, as well as intangible concepts, for instance, love, affection and social position, are elements of social resources. Therefore, in terms of beneficial resources, it can be noted that information, knowledge and healhy social status can positively impact the attempts to decrease tobacco use among adults.

Proper information delivery, which is combined with media networks, programs, and advertising campaigns, can convince people that tobacco is extremely harmful. Furthermore, current trends connected to a healthy lifystyle, which is linked to social status, provoke the emergence of the concept that healthy people have increased potential for achieving success. In contrast, monetary resources can negatively influence the problem since tobacco use can be considered by people as one of the ways to deal with life difficulties in underprivileged and poor regions. Determining changes or enhancements in community-related services, a greater emphasis should be dedicated to the psychological and mental apsects of tobacco use. Tobacco’s pandemic nature hinders both social and health equity, resulting in changes in community-related services (Kalkhoran et al., 2018). Hence, to reverse such variables, primarily in resource-poor areas, a profound societal shift and political willingness would be required first.

Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of tobacco use among adults, it is feasivle to identify several stages. Firstly, it is compulsory to determine and abolish tobacco inequalities, as well as minimize secondhand smoke risks. Moreover, it can be proposed that treatment for tobacco addiction should be promoted and tobacco consumption initiation among children and adolescents should be impeded. The goal of diminishing the selected issue is smart, meaning that it meets the specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound requirements, since it should be elaborated on the governemtnal level. A smart objective is a collection of criteria for creating mission and targets in project management, performance evaluations, strategic planning, and professional development and growth, for example.

Public authorities recognize their objectives as creating action plans with clear deadlines, typically several years, achievable outcomes, and predefined indicators that will be used in productivity evaluations. The concepts of health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences will be addressed in a manner that includes the notion that individuals are distinct and possess various charactersitics. Consequently, approaches to resolve the issue have to be flexible in order to adapt them to intercultural communication, socioeconomic distinctions, and personal interpretations of what is healthy lifestyle.

To summarize, considering the issue of tobacco use among adults in the United States of America, tobacco consumption is believed to be a potential reason for avoidable sickness and death. To conclude, tobacco usage is linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung disorders, hypertension, and a variety of chronic diseases that affect an individual’s well-being. The absence of important information on the transition from traditional tobacco products to electronic counterparts is described as the knowledge gap. In order to reduce tobacco consumption, advanced practice roles need to utilize not only community-level strategies, but also emphasize the relevance of individual and group procedures. It is possible to establish a strategic action plan to address the condition. Tobacco inequities must be eliminated, and secondhand smoking dangers should be mitigated. Furthermore, therapy for tobacco addiction should be recommended, and tobacco smoking among children and adolescents should be discouraged. With regard to a progress evaluation, it is conceivable to suggest a more detailed investigation of this issue in terms of tobacco use among youngsters, as this group is particularly vulnerable.


Cornelius, M. E., Wang, T. W., Jamal, A., Loretan, C. G., & Neff, L. J. (2020). Tobacco product use among adults – United States, 2019. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(46), 1736-1742. Web.

Kalkhoran, S., Benowitz, N. L., & Rigotti, N. A. (2018). Prevention and treatment of tobacco use: JACC health promotion series. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72(9), 1030-1045. Web.

Perez-Warnisher, M. T., de Miguel, M. P. C., & Seijo, L. M. (2018). Tobacco use worldwide: Legislative efforts to curb consumption. Annals of Global Health, 84(4), 571-579. Web.

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