Quality and Operations Management in the Business

Quality plays a direct role in selling and improving the product. It is one of the critical factors that the customer pays attention to, like the price. Very often, the customer favors one side, which has a detrimental effect on many companies’ sales. The ideal company strikes a balance and can reach as many users of its services or buyers of a product as possible.

Quality Management Systems in a Manufacturing

It is vital to constantly maintain your product, release updates, and listen to customers’ thoughts for the following models. To begin with, the word ‘quality’ needs to be defined. It is a degree or level of excellence considered by both the buyer and the producer. If viewed from the former perspective, a quality product must be functional and designed, while for the manufacturer, longevity, reliability, aesthetics, and safety also play a crucial role. For the product to fulfil the customers’ needs, there has to be a balance of price and quality. This applies to the customer, looking for the most profitable product model, and to the manufacturer, who must be interested in selling their product to as many people as possible. It should also be understood that people, in most cases, will buy products from proven brands and return to them every time, as it is the one that demonstrates quality and ease of use. Consequently, for best sales, the product must be able to attract interest. To do this, the manufacturer uses different steps to attract the customer with the quality of their product.

One of these, for example, is constant monitoring of customers, their feedback, and wishes. Using various types of charts, such as the Pareto Chart, the Control Chart, and the Cause-and-Effect Matrix, customer attitudes can be determined, and their future actions predicted. An essential step in improving company quality is Lean Six Sigma, which helps understand the nature of the problem and describes the steps to fix it. It consists of the so-called DMAIC items, which stand for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (Taylor & Russell, 2017). They tell what the company does when it re-examines market dynamics and customer demand. It is also applicable to the analysis of the current situation and provides an opportunity to understand current realities and, in some cases, predict a competitor’s actions.

To understand the further information, it is better to take the example of Samsung. Knowing how important quality is, it is also necessary to understand what steps are required to improve it. First of all, it is essential to understand what the customer needs from the firm’s product. Taking the example of Samsung, which specializes in the manufacture of electronics, the end product of which may be a smartphone, it is necessary to compare the models that came out three years ago and this year. It is very evident how this company skillfully uses the PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). The essence of the approach consists of a constant movement in a circle. When releasing a particular product or service, it is constantly maintained, not stopped at what has been done.

This company’s most crucial strategy is an intensified user analysis and understanding of the smartphone market. Based on the above, the company is testing its products, launching them in the market, and analyzing customer demand. In this case, a smartphone, the success of a product is measured by many factors, such as the number of sales in the first hours, feedback on Twitter or Facebook, remaining stock after the launch, and many others. Concerning these graphs, the company decides what steps to take next and repeats the PDCA Cycle.

These are the steps that should be in place for every company that seeks to conquer the market with its quality and low-cost product. It means, that the steps I would like to implement in my company are: to keep the product up to date, ask the users about their experience, analyze all the events happening on the market, and act as quick as possible, not to lose the customers’ trust.

Steps Taken to Improve the Inputs, Transformation Process, and Outputs Within the Organization

All of the above is not enough to be successful in the market. Quality is only one aspect, albeit a crucial one. There are also internal production processes that affect the final product. These are input data from market analysis, processing, and transformation into the final product. For better view Sony will be an example of providing those organization steps.

If the first point is obvious, a rough model for developing a new product can be built based on past product sales. However, there are hardly any situations in which planned sales coincide exactly with actual sales. When assessing the world situation, it is difficult to assume all possible risks and be confident in one’s forecast. Referring to Capacity Expansion Strategies, which use charts to help see the circumstances a product faces and how to deal with situations in the market (Taylor & Russell, 2017). It is obvious that as demand grows, so must the product supply, especially if it is a scarce commodity in the world. A case in point is the sales of the Play Station 5, of which there is now a shortage throughout Eastern Europe. The manufacturer has not been able to cover customer demand and cannot fulfill supply orders due to component shortages.

Data analysis and interpretation are significant factors in business today. Top analysts help companies in their growth and can soberly assess the development trend in the global segment. The steps they do to make the company perform better are simple from the first sight, but for an unexperinced firm they might not be that obvious. The idea of developing the input and developing it into the appropriate output is in the qualitative analysis of the market. The steps are following: analyzing the whole interest of the market in a particular product by monitoring the amount of goods sold, if the market requirements are fulfilled – then no actions needed and the company continues to look at the situation, if not – then increase or decrease the amount of the product on the market, planning the amount of the product produced, after that analyze the market again and make the appropriate correlation to what is happening. The main idea is to adapt to the market, feel it and provide a good strategy concerning the development of the product. Interpreting data correctly and putting it into practice dramatically accelerates a firm’s progress and takes it to a whole new level of dominance in international trade.


Taylor, B. W., & Russell, R. S. (2017). Operations Management. John Wiley.

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