Professional Nursing Organizations’ Advocacy and Activism

Professional nursing organizations help nurses to stay up to date with developments in the nursing profession. These developments include changes in legislation, new codes of conduct, and new approaches to delivering quality care in modern settings (Alvinius, 2017). In addition, these organizations enable members to develop a strong network that they can leverage for career growth and improvements (Gaber, 2016). In addition, they organize training sessions that enable nurses to maintain the best practices throughout their working life. Consequently, nursing organizations are indispensable stakeholders in the management and development of the nursing profession.

Nursing organizations advocate for nursing practice in three main ways. Firstly, these entities fight for better working conditions for nurses. They fight for better pay, appropriate working hours, and the overall welfare of the healthcare workers (Roux & Halstead, 2017). These working conditions have a significant impact on the healthcare workers’ dedication to service delivery and the quality of care rendered to patients. Secondly, they advocate for the establishment of professional standards that guide the nurses’ conduct in the course of their work. Lastly, they organize training sessions to maintain the highest standard of practice among nurses. Therefore, the core objective of nursing organizations is to enhance the quality of practice in healthcare settings.

Nursing organizations help in raising pertinent issues related to healthcare. Such advocacy and activism enable stakeholders to address the main concerns such as workplace risks, inadequate working conditions, and worker safety (Alvinius, 2017). For instance, problems of long working hours, inadequate compensation, and exposure to unacceptably high risk are pertinent issues of concern to most professional nursing organizations. The timely advocacy of the issues affecting the profession ensures the development of appropriate measures to maintain the quality of service.


Alvinius, A. (2017). Contemporary leadership challenges. InTechOpen.

Gaber, S. (2016). Nursing as a profession and patient leading, guidance, & support. Lulu.

Roux, G., & Halstead, J.A. (2017). Issues and trends in nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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