Present Day Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Curriculum

EBP is the deliberate use of current and proven scientific medication data to diagnose and treat patients. Medical students use the EBP principle to understand patients’ problems, compare or determine suitable interventions, and evaluate the treatment outcomes. This treatment approach emphasizes the use of clinical experience instinct. Since the modern EBP curriculum uses proven treatment concepts to develop a suitable anesthesia program, educators should ensure students hone critical synthesis and comprehension of existing databases.

The modern EBP journal club helps students choose suitable anesthesia programs. According to Pellegrini (2006), many clinical faculties resist changes that EBP introduces because they fear the programs may overlook their experience and intuition. However, the EBP journal club discusses and rates all relevant evidence that can improve any medical training course. The club also evaluates previous changes necessitated by past journal club meetings and the effect the modifications had on medical practice. A well-structured journal club features three essential aspects. First, it uses a case presentation system to generate questions that the participants discuss. The topic questions come from different sources, such as clinical situations, mortality, and case conferences. The second phase involves a review of studies that are relevant to the questions the club is discussing. The EBP journal club follows rigorous guidelines to identify valid studies. Finally, the anesthesia faculty administrators help students recognize crucial clinical questions, execute clinical practice changes, and share the workload (Pellegrini, 2006). Therefore, the current EBP journal club helps improve anesthesia programs by aiding medical students to analyze clinical questions and apply clinical practices.

Overall, the present-day EBP curriculum adopts and polishes verified medical concepts to develop an excellent anesthesia program that allows learners to acquire detailed synthesis and understanding of existing medical research records. Unlike the outdated journal club, which evaluates one or two relevant articles, the present EBP journal club discusses and grades evidence from various medication programs. The cases discussed in the journal clubs follow predetermined guidelines and stringent faculty supervision to ensure that learners adopt only beneficial treatment programs.


Pellegrini, J. E. (2006). Using evidence-based practice in nurse anesthesia programs. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 74(4), 269-273.

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