Personal Philosophy in Nursing Practice

Nursing as a profession significantly relies on the input from nurses’ characteristics, values, and morals, as collectively, these factors predetermine the quality of nurses’ care for patients. The caring personality concept in nursing implies such attributes as the ability to provide emotional support, personal integrity, and optimism (Kuntari et al., 2020). However, personal philosophy plays an important role in nursing practice. This essay will focus on the philosophy that guides me in daily life and explore how it influences my professional nursing practice.

Personal philosophy refers to the set of principles or rules created by people to guide their behavior and actions in a way that reflects their identities. In nursing, personal philosophy can include the nurse’s motivation for the profession and views on professional perspectives in the future. My philosophy, which guides me in my daily life, focuses on directing my actions for the benefit of society. Therefore, my purpose in life is to do good things and not harm anyone. Thus, I genuinely believe that there are no good or bad people, and everyone should be perceived as equal.

My philosophy helps me to treat everyone with kindness in my daily life. It allowed me to understand that everyone has tough days, and on those days, people need more support from others. Applying the personal philosophy in nursing practice provided me with a significant foundation for patient-centered and individualized care. Furthermore, acquiring more experience and new knowledge for me can benefit patients’ treatment and recovery processes. Thus, my philosophy applied to the professional nursing practice significantly influenced my views on patient care and allowed me to maintain an individual approach to all patients.


Kuntari, K., Rustina, Y., Umar, J., & Irawati, D. (2020). Concept analysis of caring personality for nursing: A review. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 28(4), 2485-2504.

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