Overview of the Problem of Abuse

Abuse is a serious and difficult problem to confront, multi-faceted and widespread. The effects of abuse can be felt by any person throughout their life, whether they know it or not. Depending on the type of abuse and its severity, the consequences may either be minor or long-lasting and crippling. The most widely known and universally understood type of abuse is physical abuse. Physical abuse generally involves a person inflicting physical harm on the other by use of direct or indirect force. This can include hitting a person, slapping them, punching or kicking, and any other type of activity that is performed with the goal of doing harm (6 Different Types of Abuse 2017). Physical abuse is often mentioned in the family context, where cases of domestic abuse are widely talked about. Violence from a person’s significant other, their parents, or any other close individual is a case of physical domestic abuse. Sexual abuse can be considered a deviation from physical abuse, as a form of harm that is made in the form of forcing a person into sexual situations without their consent or concern (6 Different Types of Abuse 2017). Sexual violence in many cases is considered to be a more vile and extreme form of abuse and is treated accordingly. It can come from both people in a person’s social circle and strangers. The last type of abuse that is necessary to mention is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is difficult to accurately describe, as it is more intangible than other types of abuse. Generally, it involves a person emotionally tormenting another, inflicting feelings of anxiety, distress, fear, panic, or doubt (6 Different Types of Abuse 2017). The process can be both subconscious and conscious, affecting a person on a deep level. Experiencing emotional abuse can be damaging to the psyche, and leave a lasting impact on a person’s being. There are also other types of abuse, including psychological and financial abuse. All types of abuse require support and assistance to overcome, and it is necessary to respond to them accordingly. Therapy and consultation are much needed, and the support of a close and trusted social network is a good addition too. With proper help, a person can overcome the effects of abuse or learn to live with them.


6 Different Types of Abuse. REACH. (2017). Web.

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