Organizational Changes: Effects and Approaches


Organizational change and its implementation are essential parts of the practice of any manager who seeks self-development and professional growth. A dynamic organization always seeks new approaches, ideas, and ways to create culture, products, and business in general. Without a responsible manager who will handle the obstacles of implementing change, it is impossible to get positive results. Managers must explore the theoretical approaches to organizational change and study the practical side of innovation, namely the effects of change.


Examining the comprehensive effects of organizational change allows one to understand the potential benefits and pitfalls that will accompany a business as it transitions from one state to another. It is advisable to begin any organizational change with a diagnosis of the ‘developmental step’ that the organization, its personnel, and corporate culture are subjectively ready to take. Preparation is always an obligatory step before starting changes because otherwise, the adverse effects will exceed the positive ones. Another critical point is assessing the scope and depth of the intended innovations. Without this step, it is impossible to carry out the changes, and the company is likely to fail.

Potential Positive Effects

The main objects of organizational change are most often recognized as the goals of personnel activity, the structure of management of the organization, the technology of labor activity of the personnel, and the composition of the personnel. Any organizational changes should necessarily lead to positive results; otherwise, they should not be carried out. Positive effects are a set of consequences that are stimuli for the development of a company or bring economic and human resources to the business itself. Managers should carefully consider their actions and implement policies to maximize the benefits of change. Both short-term and long-term perspectives need to be considered to make decisions more balanced and complete.

Potential Problems

Any organizational changes are bound to have several negative consequences. An essential task for a manager is to be aware of these negative phenomena and to take preventive measures to mitigate their impact on organizational performance. If managers do not consider the potential problems associated with organizational change, there is a risk that there will be no benefit. It should be kept in mind that without accompanying its personnel, the company must fear that ineffective employees will be laid off and those who have been beneficial to the business. There will always be negative effects of change, but the manager can manage them and reduce them.


A manager should implement a fundamental approach to notify employees promptly, explain the changes and their reasons, and continually observe and personally engage in all processes. Feedback should be given, and the opinions of the staff should be taken into account because they are the backbone of the business. The manager must build trust with the staff and create an environment where they will not have increased anxiety and stress. Even minor changes can affect the staff, and the manager’s task is to catch and help overcome it in time.


This study summarizes the main potential positive and negative effects that occur after implementing change. Considering all the effects of implementation is vital to the practice manager, who needs to understand how changes can affect the overall structure and functionality of the company. Implementing change requires understanding its potential, so managers should take all aspects into account rather than focusing only on the potential benefits.

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