Nursing Practice Problems: Violence and Patient Resistance

One should be aware of the fact that there are inherent distinctions between a nursing diagnosis and a medical diagnosis. Although they can be highly interlinked and interconnected, the general approach and focus are aimed at a different set of elements. In the case of nursing practice issues, the sole target and core of the notions are based on care itself. One of the most prominent examples of a nursing practice problem is workplace violence. It is stated that almost half of all nursing students experience some form of violence, harassment, or bullying, which makes them reconsider the given profession (Tee et al., 2016). In other words, nursing practice is hindered by the occurrence of resistance from the patients, which diminishes the quality of care.

In the case of medical practice problems, the issue is more focused on medical conditions and medical specialists’ operational intricacies. For example, patient compliance can be an example of a medical problem, which is highly similar to the described nursing practice problem (Cortellini et al., 2019). The difference lies in the fact that noncompliance leads to non-adherence to the treatment, such as timely intake of medications, which worsens or complicates the existing medical condition.

Therefore, one can observe that the nursing practice issue is something that hinders the vital aspects of care, but the medical practice problem is centered around the medical condition and operations. In other words, a doctor might not be concerned with violence if it does not affect his or her medical condition. A nurse might not care about the treatment compliance of a patient as long as the specialist can deliver the necessary care. Thus, it is important to base the PICOT on the nursing practice problem because it is focused on the key aspects of the procedural actions.


Cortellini, S., Favril, C., De Nutte, M., Teughels, W., & Quirynen, M. (2019). Patient compliance as a risk factor for the outcome of implant treatment. Periodontology, 81(1), 209-225. Web.

Tee, S., Üzar Özçetin, Y. S., & Russell-Westhead, M. (2016). Workplace violence experienced by nursing students: A UK survey. Nurse Education Today, 41, 30-35. Web.

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