Nurse Practitioners in Acute and Critical Care

Nurse Practitioners, with a focus on Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, is the topic of choice. This topic was chosen because nurse practitioners play a variety of roles in critical care medicine. The purpose of the study was to thoroughly investigate the use of nurse practitioners in intensive care units and acute care settings. The researchers investigated the role of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and advanced practice providers (APPs) in acute and critical care settings. The researchers investigated various aspects of incorporating APPs into ICU and acute care teams to aid in patient care management, reinforce practice guidelines, educate patients, families, and ICU staff, and support research and quality improvement initiatives (Kleinpell et al., 2019). The data sources used include PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature from January 2008 to December 2018.

Justification of Topic Choice

I chose this topic because it is critical to study nurse practitioners since one can always specialize in different areas of interest in health care. Nurse practitioners can also take on more responsibility in hospital systems and design suitable preventive care techniques. The article ” Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in Acute and Critical Care, “for example, goes into detail about how nurse practitioners can be engaged in critical care medicine. Nurses working in critical health care areas should advance to an advanced role, such as a practicing nurse practitioner.

Topic Importance

All healthcare organizations and providers value critical care medicine. Simple but effective research can improve acute and critical patient care. The topic presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for advanced acute and critical care practitioners. In critical care settings such as the ICU, nurse practitioners play various roles for advanced practice nurses, such as mentoring and teaching bedside nurses so that they can educate and interpret their roles to others. Acute care nurse practitioners are evolving as a result of an increase in the severity of illness among hospitalized patients, a decrease in hospital lengths of stay, and an older society with chronic health conditions.

Research Benefits

Many people will benefit from the research since the acute care nurse practitioner is responsible for all patients in the intensive care unit. The patient’s hospital stay will be reduced as a result of close monitoring. As a result of the shorter stay, the patient and the hospital will benefit. Nurse practitioners bridge the gap between nursing and medical models, resulting in better communication between teams. As a result, the research into acute care nurse practitioners benefits the patient and the facility. Furthermore, the research benefits the insurance company by lowering the insurance coverage.

Cultural and Spiritual Influences

There are numerous issues and disparities in healthcare services when seeking medical treatment. For example, cultural differences can have an impact on nurse practitioners’ day-to-day activities. One of the issues that nurse practitioners face is language barriers. As a result, it is critical for nurse practitioners to adapt to changes and improve their cultural congruence in order to provide healthcare services that meet the needs of all patients (Liu et al., 2022). Due to the nature of the job, nurse practitioners should practice spiritual care.


Kleinpell, R. M., Grabenkort, W. R., Kapu, A. N., Constantine, R., & Sicoutris, C. (2019). Nurse practitioners and physician assistants in acute and critical care. Critical Care Medicine, 47(10), 1442-1449. Web.

Liu, T., Chen, M., Chang, Y., & Lin, M. (2022). A preliminary study on the cultural competence of nurse practitioners and its affecting factors. Healthcare, 10(4), 678. Web.

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