Neuroscience as a Method of Learning Theory

One of the newest and most interesting methods of research on learning theory today is educational neuroscience. Since today’s technology allows to accurately track brain activity in response to stimuli and external interference, this science can effectively improve education of both humans and animals. The scholars state that “new technologies in higher education, such as new response systems, provide an opportunity to improve neurosciences learning and teaching by engaging students” (Ruisoto & Juanes, 2019, p. 1). Considering this method, less of importance may neglect possible education discoveries.

Use of Neuroscience Method and Ethical Aspects

Neuroscience already allows researchers to investigate the effect of dyslexia or dyscalculia on learning disabilities. Neuroscience has made it known that some children can actively suppress intuitive knowledge over scientific knowledge, allowing them to learn science subjects better. Those who can filter out irrelevant information for their profession are the ones who become good professionals. Neuroscience has shown that learning literature, languages, mathematics, and increasing concentration can be improved and has shown positive results.

A question that might be interesting to research is how children’s talents or interests affect their focus on other subjects they find irrelevant. It is one of the controversial questions in finding the approaches to get children interested in subjects they initially dislike. Moreover, neuroscience could also open hidden possibilities of animal learning. Of course, it is crucial to consider ethical issues because scientific research is often conducted on animals without respecting their safety, which is unacceptable. It is essential to consider these factors with children because not all of them may be morally ready to be tested with MRI machines.


Neuroscience might be a new and less used method in studying learning theory, but it is no less important than the others. This science will provide discoveries that have been hidden until today. It will make it possible to trace the brain activity of both humans and animals, and already today, the results of such studies are significant.


Ruisoto, P., & Juanes, J. A. (2019). Fostering student’s engagement and active learning in neuroscience education. Journal of Medical Systems, 43(3), 1–6.

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