Management Styles Overview

Diversity Management

Diversity management in bubble tea shops involves the use of diversity training tools in organizational activities. Many entities have embarked on providing training programs on a routine basis to evaluate and disseminate the assessment findings. Some of the benefits that can be accrued from diversity management include increasing business organizational efficiency, identifying areas that need corrective action, gathering support for diversity, and creating more competency in diversity (Koellen, 2019). Therefore, managing diversity can be described as planning and implementing systems in an organization to manage human resources that leads to maximized advantages in the workplace.

The first principle is stereotyping in diversity management which directly affects finding the strength of employees. Typically, stereotypes are understood to present a distortion effect on intergroup communication because of people’s messages, ways of transmitting them, and the reception of the messages concerning false assumptions. The second principle concerns disability in management, where companies are required to change the responsibilities of staff members without the need to remove the higher items. For instance, it is essential to arrange for employees who prefer working overnight by changing replacing older employees with younger employees. Elderly employees are understood to possess high levels of workplace experience that are necessary for the effectiveness of diversified management in the organization.

Training for the diversity management principle is critical to the organization. It offers employees fair opportunities and law compliance that involves the evaluations and identification of strengths. Some entities require employees to take part in training to distinguish, reduce prejudice, and develop skills in diversity management. The program is also essential in understanding employee needs, thus permitting staff communication skills with other consumers and employees. Successful diversity management is crucial for the cooperation of employees, cost reduction, and increased productivity in the organization.

Features of Functions of Management

The commonly accepted functions of management include planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. Planning forms the essential role of leadership that encompasses creating an effective plan that guides in meeting the goals and objectives of the company. It entails the allocation of resources and setting realistic timelines through the delegation of responsibilities. Planning is considered an intellectual process because it involves a mental exercise that requires sound judgment and creative thinking (Koellen, 2019).

It is the primary management function that lays the foundation for other functions. It is also pervasive because all management levels and departments require it. The organizing function is concerned with ensuring that the company departments run smoothly. It also provides that employees have what they need for efficient task completion. Managers also need reorganization to respond to possible workplace challenges.

The leading function is where managers need to have confidence in commanding the activities of their team members, primarily where the need for change arises. It entails the projection of a strong sense of leadership and direction in the formulation of goals and objectives and communication of new changes and processes or internal policy (Koellen, 2019). Managers are tasked with acting as leaders, especially in interactions that involve modeling, motivational, and encouraging qualities.

The other function is controlling which consists of ensuring that functions such as planning, leading, and organizing work towards the organization’s success. Therefore, managers are responsible for ensuring that they consistently monitor the quality of work, performance of employees, and project completion. Management control ensures that the ultimate goals of the business are met, and necessary changes addressed appropriately.


Koellen, T. (2019). Diversity management: A critical review and agenda for the future. Journal of Management Inquiry. Web.

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