Management of Innovation and Organizational Change

Orientation on the strategy ensures the existence or creation of conditions under which the company will have chances to succeed. The first reason to apply it is the ability to simplify the organizational structure, which allows for making collective decisions in the face of environmental counteraction promptly (Afuah, 2020). The second reason is that strategy facilitates changes in the shortest time. A clear strategy will allow PowerDoc to avoid risks, realize growth potential, and rationally dispose of resources. Therefore, it will increase manageability, which does not occur when introducing technology-driven changes (Clegg, Harris, and Hopfl, 2011). Competitors are familiar with the same ideas, methods, and approaches, and they may have equal opportunities to change the concept.

However, strategic management concentrates on the activity of the entire organization. Organizational changes focus on the achievement of the primary goal, contribute to the continuous development of the business model, and provide managers with clear criteria for evaluating budget projects (Dodgson, Gann, and Satter, 2008). Strategic changes are the carriers of a unique quality in the organization’s development process. By focusing on the strategy, PowerDoc can align the activities with the vision and mission. It will facilitate the emergence of clear goals and clarity in achieving them.

There are several ways to consider the technological, market, and organizational factors in the introduction of changes. One of the options is the deep engraving of the variables into the company’s organizational culture (Harris and Wegg-Prosser, 2007). The corporate culture includes written and implicit rules, norms, and relations within the company. The promotion of innovation by management and a unified vision of team members will contribute to a clear understanding of the course of action involving the necessary elements (Selong, 2020). Corporate culture requires a focus on the organizational factor. However, it develops the ability of employees to use the available technological resources competently and meet the market’s needs.

Moreover, any organization faces the task of forming and developing a management structure. It serves as a means of purposeful coordination of the elements that create the corporation. The second option is structurization which can establish a precise connection between various activities, subordinating them to achieving specific aims (Goffin and Mitchel, 2017). The goal of the organizational system is production efficiency. A mere sum of machines, raw materials, and people is not a corporation (Hayes, 2018). An enterprise can only increase its productivity by improving the way it combines all variables.

Reference List

Afuah, A. (2020) Innovation management-strategies, implementation, and profits. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clegg, S.R., Harris, M. and Hopfl, H. (2011) Managing modernity: Beyond bureaucracy? Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dodgson, M., Gann, D. and Satter, A. (2008) The management of technological innovation: Strategy and practice. Oxford: OUP Oxford.

Goffin, K. and Mitchell, R. (2017) Innovation management: effective strategy and implementation. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Harris, M. and Wegg-Prosser, V. (2007) ‘Post bureaucracy and the politics of forgetting: the management of change at the BBC, 1991-2002’, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(3), pp. 290-303. Web.

Hayes, R. (2018) The theory and practice of change management. Basingstone: Palmgrave Macmillan. Web.

Selong, A. (2020) Organisational innovations. London: Hachette.

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