Job Interview: Discussion on Cover Letters

A cover letter may seem to be an old-fashioned way of demonstrating one’s skills and motivation to employers. However, it still remains a powerful tool for finding a decent job. Three major reasons for writing cover letters stand out the most. The first cause is that such letters showcase one’s personality (Lufkin, 2021). It implies that the employer may view one as a potentially prosperous, responsible, and purposeful candidate during the job interview, which increases the likelihood of being employed.

The other reason for putting effort into cover letter writing is related to one’s motivation. For instance, during the pandemic, many individuals became unemployed, and while trying to find a good position to make ends meet, they totally forgot about their motives (Lufkin, 2021). However, one’s urge to work for a specific company should be conditioned; thus, it allows the employer to choose the right candidate. Ultimately, there is a growing need for qualified professionals in many fields, and human resource managers need proof that a person is right. Some companies heavily rely on written materials one provides with the application because different people in the organization may view these papers to ensure one is eligible.

Once, I wrote several cover letters alongside the job application. At first, it seemed tedious, and I did not have enough stamina to finish it. However, as I read the examples on the Internet, I realized that everything one puts down in this paper should be genuine. Despite having written several papers, I have never used them in practice because my employer did not require them. I will certainly use a cover letter in the future to ensure I can be a good match for the position.


Lufkin, B. (2021). Why do cover letters still exist? BBC. Web.

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