Job Globalization: The Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Globalization is a process that captures all spheres of society. Thus, this phenomenon has affected the work sphere, allowing organizations and employees to expand their opportunities by moving around the world. However, this process has its advantages and disadvantages. Thus, this work aims to identify these aspects. The positive side of job globalization is the introduction of new talents to the workplace and introducing novelty. Among the shortcomings, communication problems and the emergence of problems due to cultural and linguistic differences were highlighted.

Further, the first step is to consider such positive aspects of job globalization as the ability to attract talented people to the workplace. Therefore, managers are not limited to employees in their city and region. Moreover, companies can send their staff to work in other countries to exchange experience and training, increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the experience. Another advantage of globalization in the professional sphere is acquiring new ideas and introducing innovations through the expansion of cultural diversity (Raewf & Mahmood, 2021). This is because the international workforce management includes sending people by the organization to work in other countries, where they can expand their professional opportunities. Despite the fact that some difficulties may complicate this process, it can bring positive dynamics to the company because it gives different ideas and perspectives.

Communication and language difficulties become one of the main problems. This is because when moving to work in another company, most people face ignorance of the language of the receiving place of work. Sources emphasize that the language barrier can significantly reduce the efficiency of employees and their motivation and desire to perform certain functions. However, when speaking in a common language, such as English, communication, and collaboration takes on the characteristics of a unique task that needs to be completed. Overcoming this problem can significantly improve employees’ skills and make them even more valuable to the organization. Another disadvantage of job globalization is the presence of cultural and social differences. If the language barrier is overcome, many workers may face the consequences of insufficient awareness of the host culture. Thus, the personnel moving to a new workplace will be obliged to adapt to the new working conditions and communication, taking into account all the peculiarities and traditions of the country.


Raewf, M. B., & Mahmood, Y. N. (2021). The cultural diversity in the workplace. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-6. Web.

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