Integrated Marketing Communications

Notably, it is crucial to incorporate integrated marketing communications (IMC) in marketing, advertising, sales promotions, and public relations because the digital revolution has significantly impacted the way people share information, communicate, and purchase goods and services. While traditional advertising and marketing can increase brand recognition, IMC develops trust and profoundly conveys the brand narrative. Nowadays, public relations and publicity are the standards in many organizations. Yurdakul and Bozdağ (2018) emphasize that different communication channels, competition, and lack of patience to read or listen to sponsored messages are not assisting in meeting objectives in the age of artificial intelligence. Marketers must generate strong content delivered across any touchpoint to maintain companies’ images as distinct and unforgettable (Yurdakul & Bozdağ, 2018). Hence, the efficient strategy entails integrating the company’s numerous communication channels to offer a concise, accurate, and persuasive narrative about the business and its offerings.

Industry 4.0 refers to the emerging digital revolution that is altering society. According to Loureiro (2018), the emerging technologies incorporated within Industry 4.0, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, challenge traditional ways and provide new chances. Due to technological advancements, people can access information and products or services via many digital channels. Consider a hypothetical company that promotes sporting events. I will foster the company’s campaign by increasing sports fans’ engagement and strengthening the interaction with them using traditional IMC and twenty-first-century approaches. I intend to use social media to connect with potential consumers by posting marketing-focused tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts and organizing sponsorship activities. Additionally, I will gather, analyze, and evaluate data depending on user requests using Artificial Intelligence, namely chatbots. Thus, the company will be able to contact new target groups and increase fan loyalty.


Loureiro, A. (2018). There is a fourth industrial revolution: The digital revolution. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 10(6), 740- 744.

Yurdakul, E., & Bozdağ, A. (2018). Chapter 7.1: IMC: Integrated marketing communication. In S. Ozturkcan & E. Y. Okan (Eds.), Marketing Management in Turkey (Marketing in Emerging Markets) (pp. 275–297). Emerald Publishing Limited.

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