Humans vs Great Apes: Similarities and Differences

Scientists have been studying the similarities between humans and great apes for years. It has been proved that people have a common origin some of them, and this thesis is based on the knowledge of history and anthropology. Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that this similarity is not completely identical, and there are still some key elements that distinguish the two species.

There is a conviction that the DNA of humans and great apes almost coincide. However, Taylor finds genetic changes in the structure and functioning of the brain that allowed Homo sapiens to evolve from chimpanzees (The Genetic Differences). Alemseged mentions the pre-frontal cortex does not exist in chimps. Humans are a unique species, and chimps cannot be equal to them (Alemseged). Wells notes humans’ common ancestry with apes is distant, like with other living things on Earth. Since the earliest times, humans have come through a mechanism of evolution. Leakey points out that from very primitive beginnings, people now have an advanced tool kit. Thus, evolution created a significant gap between humans and apes, reflected in physiology and cognitive abilities.

Indeed, humans’ past is closely bonded to one of great apes, but the similarity should not be exaggerated. Being the closest relatives in the world of nature, chimps and humans are not the same in terms of genetics and behavior. Following the way of evolution, people have developed various improvements in the brain structure and enhanced their skills, which distinguishes them from great apes.


Alemseged, Zeresenay. “The Search for Humanity’s Roots.” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading, 2007. Web.

Taylor, Jeremy. “The Genetic Differences Between Humans and Chimps ” YouTube, 2011. Web.

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