How Glossier Founder and CEO Is Disrupting the Beauty Industry

Weiss is the founder of a large cosmetics company, which, due to its strategy, is one of the leaders. She suggests buying new cosmetics according to the recommendations of colleagues about 60% of women (Johnson, 2019). This is dictated by the importance and necessity of the involvement of all team members as well as feedback from customers. These recommendations should not be face-to-face from a friend.

The principal value of Glossier as a company is exclusivity and affordable prices for products that are designed to make a woman feel beautiful. Thanks to Glossier, more and more women will be able to afford high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price, as the company’s pricing policy varies from $4 to $20 (Zimmerman, 2019). In addition, the company is focused on fashion, which makes it possible to purchase not only high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics but also which correspond to the latest fashion trends. The values of Glossier differ from traditional companies precisely by the democratic prices for modern cosmetics.

Emily Weiss prefers not to pay for advertising to the stars, as she strives to show that her cosmetics are intended not only for men but also for ordinary women. She chooses women of different races and with varying bodies as models for her advertising. This is necessary to emphasize the individuality and beauty of each woman, even if they do not meet the current standards of beauty. Also, Weiss says that the Glossier brand and the brands of the future will be “created together” (CNN Business, 2018). By this, she means that over time every woman will be familiar with the Glossier brand and every client will become an influential person, and brands will be created together.


CNN Business. (2018). How Glossier founder and CEO is disrupting the beauty industry. [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Johnson, E. (2019). Full Q&A: Glossier CEO Emily Weiss on the “art and science” of the beauty business. Vox. Web.

Zimmerman, K. (2019). Glossier play is finally here & all the products are $20 & under. EliteDaily. Web.

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