My definition of healthcare is different from the professional and personal perspectives. The main distinction is the focus on objective and subjective data connected with health. For instance, when a person feels good, it is the subjective view of being healthy. I am healthy when I am not disturbed by recurring and severe pain. Moreover, I also think I am healthy when I have mild pain symptoms like headaches. From the professional point of view, this perspective is erroneous because health problems can have no symptoms until the illness progresses significantly. Therefore, it is impossible to state that the individual is healthy without professional supervision and various medical tests to check it.
After watching the video “From sickcare to wellcare,” my opinion changed because I understood the importance of the right mindset in evaluating my own health. The speaker states that traditional healthcare focuses on existing health disparities and medical treatment of the disease (TEDx Talks, 2017). The results might be unexpected if physicians change the focus from finding and treating illnesses to disease prevention by prescribing a healthy diet, moderate physical activity, and stress minimization (TEDx Talks, 2017). This point of view is rational because people often do not think about their physical and mental health until they feel the first significant symptoms of problems that worry them. However, the disease has already progressed at this point, which means that it will be difficult for the individual to eliminate the problem. In most cases, people can only reduce symptoms and alleviate the pain, but they usually cannot ultimately cope with the adverse outcomes of the disease. Therefore, every illness leaves its mark on human health, and it is wiser to do everything possible to prevent these problems.
TEDx Talks. (2017). From sickcare to wellcare. Youtube.