Guy Hammond: Bridging a Christian and LGBT Communities

Guy Hammond is the executive director and founder of the Strength in Weakness ministries. He discusses the notion of homosexuality in Christianity. As a man who was previously in homosexual relationships, he left them to find his true self in following God’s words. Hammond’s interview and self-reflection allow stating that he believes that same-sex partnerships prevent people from being true to themselves, which means that Christianity does not imply any homoerotic temptations (Cathy Hammond – Interview Jax Church, 2020; The day I stopped being a homosexual, 2020). In Galatians 5:24, it is stated that “those who belong to Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there.” The concept of a gay Christian is considered absurd by Hammond since the only authentic state for a Christian is being with Jesus.

However, Hammond does not encourage people to judge or reject those who want to practice Christianity the members of the LGBT community. On the contrary, this activist insists that priests, teachers, and counselors should be responsive, respectful, and patient while working with those whose beliefs are different. With compassion and love, it is possible to explain to them why the gay theology is false (Why I am NOT a gay Christian, 2021). To bridge the Christian and LGBT communities, Hammond recommends accepting inner preferences; for example, he recognizes that he is “same-sex” or “same-gender” attracted. This approach provides the opportunity to discover personal attractions and come to God naturally. The role of those proposing Christianity seems to be to speak about His true love to every person, using kind, humble, and tolerant words so that the LGBT community members can feel that they are accepted, not rejected.


Cathy Hammond – Interview Jax Church. (2020).

The day I stopped being a homosexual. (2020).

Why I am NOT a gay Christian. (2021).

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