Global Supply Chain Problem in Zambia

The purpose and significance of supply chain administration have developed in sequential with the growth of globalization. Multinational supply chains frequently connect developed and underdeveloped countries. The management of such supply chains is complicated by differences in the legislation, standards, economy, and rules. Developing nations, which often serve as raw material providers or exporters, confront challenges that impede supply chain effectiveness. Destabilization of government agencies and laws, graft, labor-intensive sectors, degraded infrastructure and restricted utilization of new technology, high unemployment, child labor, and poor public education levels are all common challenges in developing nations. In developed nations, customer demand and laws have made supply chain sustainability a top priority. This essay aims to provide an entrepreneurial venture for Walmart Company to do business in Zambia.

Walmart has developed into the biggest and perhaps most potent retail business globally, with the largest inventory turnover, revenues every square foot, and operating profit of any contract distributor in the previous thirty years. Walmart is a retailing and wholesale firm that sells a broad range of commodities and services at low costs. Walmart has created hundreds of outlets across the United States and has intentions to establish worldwide. The organization is developing a frictionless experience for people to purchase digitally and in outlets at any moment and in any place via innovation. Walmart offers various options and quality to communities and customers all across the states in America (Crowley & Stainback, 2019). Walmart’s supply chain managing approach has also provided the corporation with several long-term competitive advantages, including lower inventory carrying costs, cheaper merchandise prices, rise in in-store diversity and selection, and highly competitive customer pricing.

Child labor is widely acknowledged as the most heinous version of child mistreatment and manipulation. Child labor is a common worldwide supply chain issue in developing-country businesses. Zambian children are put through to the most despicable forms of child labor in sectors like agricultural production and commercial sexual exploitation, which is occasionally the consequence of human trafficking. Child labor is a problem for Zambian retailers since much of the distribution relies on a low-skilled workforce. Some duties are more effectively suitable to children than to grownups. Children are perceived as loyal laborers who go unrecognized, making them uncomplicated to manage (Hoop et al., 2020). There are no supervisory or societal authority systems in work, and there are no union workers to help them in arranging for better working standards. They are direct targets because children are low-skilled laborers without a voice.

The specific factor discussed is the role of child labor in the international supply chain crisis. Work will be done in Zambia’s most impoverished local communities to educate them about children’s liberties and to assist them in realizing that children are supposed to be at school, not working. Walmart will also collaborate with Zambian authorities to remove and prohibit all types of child labor, enslavement, and exploitation and ensure that all school-going children have access to free and high-quality public schooling. Children should have access to their rights, including free education and protection from child work, which impedes their growth. Walmart will encourage and preserve all children’s rights, including their freedom to be exempt from economic oppression and not be forced to undertake any labor that might impair their psychological, spiritual, physical, social, or moral progress.

Child labor is an activity that youngsters should not be undertaking since they are young or because it is harmful or improper for them if they are old enough to perform. According to the United Nations, everyone younger than eighteen is deemed a kid (Cho et al., 2019). Determining the personnel age and evaluating Zambia’s national legislation surrounding child labor are two viable answers to the global supply chain problem. Owners cannot determine whether a particular sort of employment fits an employee without evidence of age. Due to the possibility of falsifying birth documents, physical examinations before recruitment and culturally sensitive conversations with workers and candidates who seem too juvenile are effective methods of determining age. It is critical to understand how Zambian law describes child labor, which may be found on the Ministry of Labor’s webpage on the national legislation governing the employment of minors.

Reviewing Zambia’s child labor regulations is the most outstanding alternative, in my opinion, and should be adopted. In compliance with international standards, almost every country has established a minimum working age. The International Labor Organization (ILO) requires ratifying countries to designate a minimum employee age corresponding to the school-leaving age (Cho et al., 2019). The Ministry of Work and local government officials can provide information on the legislation governing child labor. Additional information on the rules may be obtained by contacting Zambia’s workers’ association or Trade Organization offices for details on particular customers’ needs about child labor. The country’s labor legislation compels employers to get a medical examination before employing anyone to discourage recruiting young workers (Hoop et al., 2020). This decision guarantees that all employees in the company are aware of how child labor is classified under global guidelines, national legislation, and the industry in which the company works.

There are numerous options for the firm to minimize child labor in the supply system in the future. Senior management and corporate leaders should stress the significance of the organization’s resistance to all types of child labor. The company’s set of guidelines, rules, and processes should be created, revisited, or revised. They should also ensure that these papers tackle child labor and similar fundamental rights issues. In addition, the firm should thoroughly inspect its supply chains to assess the danger of child workers and human liberties breaches. They should take meaningful, targeted steps to remove any potential threats (Dammert et al., 2018). Furthermore, the organization should work with contractors and their staff to guarantee that they adhere to the company’s policies on worker exploitation and human trafficking. Adherence to applicable rules and requirements and the corporation’s rules of ethics and auditing rights should be included in supply arrangements.

In conclusion, it is about time to condemn child labor to the pages of history and to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their potential. Child labor is a challenge that impacts the global supply chain and is a reality of life for youngsters. The crisis in developing nations is severe, and in Zambia, the supply chain system has been impacted tremendously by child labor. This essay provides solutions for tackling the supply chain problem by reviewing Zambia’s laws on child labor and checking the age of individuals before employing them. Such measures are critical in solving the issue of child labor in the supply chain network. Stressing on rules that oppose child labor and revising the company’s code of conduct will help the company avoid child labor issues in the global supply chain.


Cho, S., Fang, X., Tayur, S., & Xu, Y. (2019). Combating child labor: Incentives and information disclosure in global supply chains. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 21(3), 479-711.

Crowley, M., & Stainback, K. (2019). Retail sector concentration, local economic structure, and community well-being. Annual Review of Sociology, 45, 321-343.

Dammert, A. C., Hoop, J., Mvukiyehe, E., & Rosati, F. C. (2018). Effects of public policy on child labor: Current knowledge, gaps, and implications for program design. World Development, 110(3), 104-123.

Hoop, J., Groppo, V., & Handa, S. (2020). Cash transfers, microentrepreneurial activity, and child work: Evidence from Malawi and Zambia. The World Bank Economic Review, 34(3), 670-697.

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