Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a 27-Year-Old Woman

Mary, a 27-year-old, married, woman complains for the headache and fatigue. Mary endorses regular fatigue, sleep problems, early rising, as well as dull and generalized headaches over the last three weeks. She periodically misses work, because of fatigue, she cannot pay enough attention to her children. She has no psychiatric or medical history, medication is not currently being carried out. The key aspects for excluding other diagnoses are the observed psychomotor delay, a sharp emotional outburst that is expressed through tears, the patient feels hopeless. According to patient report of symptoms patient appears to be experiencing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Course of treatment should include antidepressant medication, because the patient has a tendency to depression, sudden burst of crying, headaches, lack of a normal sleep regime.

The patient has a severe psychological condition, which is described by a prolonged depressive state and lack of sleep. Mary’s ordinary daily life is disrupted because she cannot work in a standard mode, as well as pay enough attention to her children. Heavy falling asleep, chronic fatigue and other symptoms are inherent in various diseases of the psychoemotional area (Casarella, 2021). Symptoms are observed for three weeks and do not stop. Before going to the doctor, the patient was not on psychiatric or any medical treatment. During the interview, the patient was also found to have a psychomotor delay, which demonstrates that the patient is in a state of stress (Munir & Takov, 2022). In addition to regular work with a psychologist on the issue of reducing the level of emotional and stress load, Mary also needs medication. The patient has Generalized Anxiety Disorder since the symptoms fully correspond to this disease (Hart & Ksir, 2018). As necessary medications, the patient should be prescribed antidepressants that will help to cope with stress.


Casarella, J. (2021). Generalized anxiety disorder. WebMD. Web.

Hart, C. L. & Ksir, C. J. (2018). Drugs, society and human behavior. (17th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Munir, S. & Takov, V. (2022). Generalized anxiety disorder. National Library of Medicine. Web.

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