Informational literacy is extremely important when an adult is trying to determine trends in the political or economic field of the country. The ability to evaluate sources and recognize if these sources are accurate allows one to look more confidently into the future and make assumptions about the real development of events and the state of affairs. Therefore, resources such as Our Process at, Methodology at Media Bias / Fact Check, and Transparency at provide greatly for sustainable informational supply. looks like the best website to check information for accuracy. In particular, focuses on political news and presents a well-thought-out detailed critique of statements by controversial politicians such as former US President Donald Trump or Republican head Kevin McCarthy. Overall, the site is more of a full-fledged news portal than just a fact-checking tool. Here socially important news articles are presented that are discussed in the media. Equally important, provides a check of Coronavirus Coverage, SciCheck, debunks fake stories on Facebook, has Health Watch and NewsFeed Defender services. has a slightly less formal approach but no less credibility. The site was named after Faulkner’s characters that did just that — fact-checking the media for plausibility. At the same time, methodology was criticized by, which mentioned that “we reviewed a sampling of their political offerings, including some on rumors about George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, and we found them to be utterly poker-faced” (“What makes Snopes a reliable resource,” 2019, para. 5). The site covers mostly humorous topics and generally cannot be used to check political facts.
“What makes Snopes a reliable resource?” (2019). Web.