Enterprise Leadership: Functions of Management


Numerous studies indicate that the current business world requires a manager with a proper understanding of the organization’s needs, thus prompting it to succeed. Administrators play a critical role as they are tasked with monitoring and managing everything from human resources to budgets. The type of leadership present usually guarantees each firm’s failure or success. Management functions are always consistent and are applicable across all industries. This analysis sets out to discuss the main parts of management. Proper planning needs to be developed by executives who are the leaders within the particular firms. The study identifies the three different types of planning that administrators can adopt. The organization is the next step and requires implementing the created plan. After adoption, there is leading and controlling, for which managers take complete responsibility to ensure progress. This relay is divided into several parts, each focusing on the mentioned functions and a recommendation section where further instruction is given concerning the four operations. The report identifies the four core executive duties in all business sectors and facilitates proper management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.


Planning is the first function of management and is actualized by managers who provide a detailed action scheme. During this phase, the administration needs to identify the general company objectives and goals and create realistic plots to attain them (Madan and Ramu, 2018). It is upon the executive to determine the most appropriate course of action despite there being several ways to achieve the targeted goals. A successful plan is that which is aligned according to the company’s vision and mission. Other considerations include budget constraints, external and internal factors that may impact the project, and the timeline for the changes to take effect. According to Madan and Ramu (2018), the three different types of planning that managers can use include strategic, tactical, and operational. The strategic design is long-term and may be beneficial for a long time as it emphasizes the firm’s vision, mission, and values (Nyong’a and Maina, 2019). The tactical approach is more of a short-term and objective-focused strategy. The daily activities are described accurately when the operational plan is used. After this phase, the leaders are required to implement the desired programs.


Managers are required to introduce the plan to the other subordinates within the organization. The critical activities performed under this section include identifying the levels of command and obligations of every person involved, determining the individuals to undertake the tasks, and pinpointing the main steps of the project (Dler and Tawfeq, 2021). Systemizing promotes the establishment of the leadership structure to execute the chosen plan. With good organizing, the entire workforce is encouraged to collaborate. Different departments within the same organization will be able to communicate and drive the project’s success. It is possible as the resources within the firm get distributed and specific tasks delegated to the personnel present to attain the set objectives in the plan presented. Administrators strive to develop a productive working surrounding during this stage (Dler and Tawfeq, 2021). They choose and appoint employees with particular abilities and assign them roles that best fit. The managers must explain the duties to the other workers and ensure they understand their needs. After this phase, the leaders are required to shift their attention and focus on human resources.


Leading is essential in business and constitutes employee motivation and behavior instigation to attain objectives. Managers must have good leadership skills that will enable them to guide the workforce in meeting the company performance standards. According to Singh, Senik, and Hanafiah (2020), the executives can focus on empowering the teams, being active listeners, engaging in frequent communication, and maintaining transparency. Through this, they will portray practical leadership skills to their subordinates, resulting in healthy working environments. Suitable business environments will lead to productivity which is critical to the success of any organisation. Managers must use varying leadership styles and interpersonal skills to make accurate decisions in different situations (Singh, Senik, and Hanafiah, 2020). They can promote positive working surroundings by identifying when there is a need to encourage or mandate the employees. It is essential to use desired reinforcements such as praising or awarding the workers who have performed exemplary. With this, the workforce gets motivated and will perform their duties well, leading to company growth. It is after this phase that there is the evaluation of the plan with proper adjustments getting made.


The controlling phase is the last function in management and involves monitoring progress and performance within the firm. Managers must make recommendations on the necessary changes to be adopted to facilitate the attainment of company goals (Dědečková, 2020). They can conduct tasks such as training the workforce and managing deadlines. Through this, the employees will be monitored, and their quality of work will be assessed. The administrators can give feedback to the workers, provide remarks on what they are doing well, and suggest possible improvements. According to Dědečková (2020), the possible adjustments likely to be adopted by the managers include staffing and budget. The leaders must make challenging decisions, such as dismissing or reassigning a particular employee due to poor performance. When the leader is about to leave the firm, they need to identify their replacements and train them to keep the project progressing and running. The managers need to monitor the resources and budgeting of particular programs to ensure the tasks do not exceed the budget. If there is much spending, the cause needs to be identified and action taken by the executive.


Business management is crucial to the success of an organization in any industry. There are four main supervision functions that managers use while leading employees. Planning is the first function and is made by the leaders who provide specific guidelines on how the company objectives can be achieved. The administrators must develop a realistic plan that aligns with the firm’s vision and mission. They can adopt any of the three types of planning which include operational, tactical, and strategic. The second phase is the organization stage, in which the leaders introduce the new program to the entire organization. They aim to establish a conducive working environment that will result in productivity. Managers here assign workers with particular tasks that they can efficiently perform based on the skills they possess. The third function involves leading, where the administrators motivate the workers and guide their behavior to achieve the set objectives. Lastly, there is control whereby the managers monitor the progress being made. They can make recommendations on staffing or budget whenever a failure is noted.


The following business management recommendations are made based on the report’s findings. There is a need to identify the importance of planning and its processes. The steps in this process should also be identified, and the significance of planning explained further. This will facilitate the acquisition of the required knowledge on all that relates to the first function of management. The meaning of organizing needs to be fully tackled through researching more on the position. Apart from the importance, the phase should be identified as a structure and process. Under the leading stage, more analysis should be made on the staffing and directing sessions. Through enrolling and direction-giving, leaders can exercise their power and promote smooth working with a firm. Under the controlling phase, more research should be done on the significance of a sound control system, the controlling process, and the relation between planning and controlling. There is an interdependence between the two as they rely on each other in the management process.

Reference List

Dler, SM and Tawfeq, AO (2021) ‘Importance of managerial roles and capabilities on organizational effectiveness’, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 957–964.

Dědečková, N. (2020) ‘Control, controlling and its objectives in the organization’, SHS Web of Conferences, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 1–6.

Madan, G. and Ramu, M. (2018), ‘An observational study: role and functions of a manager‘, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no. 17, pp. 159–168. Web.

Nyong’a, T.M. and Maina, R. (2019) ‘Influence of strategic leadership on strategy implementation at Kenya Revenue Authority, southern region in Kenya‘, International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 128–159. Web.

Singh, G.V., Senik, Z.C. and Hanafiah, M.H. (2020) ‘The relationship between management functions and the success of school cooperatives’, International Journal of Management (IJM), vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 226–235.

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