Understanding Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a practice in respect of which an evidence-based approach is applied, both at the design stage of medical practice and in the process of its implementation. This is a practice with a high level of evidence, concerning which there is convincing evidence of its effectiveness in achieving a social result if the practice is implemented in strict accordance with the regulations.
EBP allows for reliable evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of the applied practices (National Institute, 2018). Using it, a medical specialist can explain in a reasoned manner which practices are appropriate to implement and use, which of them are more and which are less effective, and why.
The Impact of EBP Research on the Nursing Profession
The research impacts the nursing profession, contributing to achieving the highest efficiency and quality of nursing care for the population. To realize this difficult task and to improve professional and social status, it is necessary to create a base of scientific knowledge that forms the basis of professional nursing practice (DeanLEX Teach, 2017). In this regard, scientific research in nursing is the main development direction in this professional field.
Alignment of Course Content with Objectives
The content and assignments met the Evidence-Based Nursing Practice course objectives by training analysis of medical experience. It confirms qualitative changes in the system of providing medical care to the population in connection with introducing the results of nursing research into the practice of medical institutions (Florczak, 2017).
Applications of Course Concepts in Nursing Practice
Completing the course contributes to obtaining an algorithm for working with research in nursing, providing high-quality academic training for nurses. Examples of actual or potential applications of this week’s course concepts in nursing practice are to obtain the knowledge nurses use at work from various sources (Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017).
For example, if she could not work with medical research, to which this week of the course was devoted, the nurse could rely either on traditions or the personal experience acquired by trial and error. However, after completing the course this week, knowledge can be obtained by using the solutions of more qualified specialists who are experts (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2018). This will increase patient satisfaction, reduce hospital stays, and reduce the number of complications.
Reflections on Successes and Challenges
Successes that I had for the week in terms of the course content were the successful study of many medical phenomena from the standpoint of a scientific approach and a systematic search for scientifically based knowledge on problems and issues relevant to nursing. The phenomena studied in nursing, be it pain, fear, stress, fatigue, sleep disorders, or the development of pressure sores, are complex in structure and are formed as a result of the influence of many factors (OvidWoltersKluwer, 2015).
When identifying the relationship between a phenomenon and a certain factor, controlling and reducing the influence of variables that are not the subject of study is important. Control, being a mandatory element of scientific research, called me to get reliable information on the issues that interest me, which I consider to be the main success of my work this week. In terms of the course material, my problems for the week were determining the validity of a certain source and distinguishing between the basic theoretical and practical aspects of the nursing research I had read. However, I plan to work on these aspects of my medical practice in order to understand these issues more thoroughly.
DeanLEX Teach. (2017). Introduction to nursing research [Video]. YouTube. Web.
Florczak, K. [Kristine Florczak]. (2013). Chapter 2 research topic [Video]. YouTube. Web.
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2017). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence [Video]. YouTube. Web.
LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. (9th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.
National Institute of Nursing Research (2018). U.S. department of health and human services. Web.
OvidWoltersKluwer. (2015). What is evidence-based practice [Video]. YouTube. Web.