Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a set of skills by which a person can recognize and deal with their own emotions as well as other peoples’. In many ways, a person’s social skills and the ability to build communication with others depend on emotional intelligence. A high degree of emotional intelligence is essential in leadership to understand people’s needs and improve teamwork. Moreover, EI determines the behavior of employees, such as their ability to work in a team, loyalty and commitment to the company, and their response to stressful situations (Edward & Purba, 2020). High employee EI often improves company performance because specialists interact better with each other. On the other hand, people with low emotional intelligence cannot communicate with workgroup members and cannot control their emotions. That slows down work processes and negatively affects the final result.

In addition, the emotional intelligence of employees significantly reduces staff turnover. Edward and Purba (2020) argue that EI is directly related to an individual’s organizational commitment. This, in turn, makes employees more motivated to work towards common goals. Loyal and inspired employees contribute to a positive work environment that enhances individual productivity and the company’s performance. Moreover, people with high EI are more focused on work, not being distracted by external circumstances and emotions. It helps to prevent professional burnout and positively affects the quality and efficiency of work.

I would define my level of emotional intelligence as fairly high. It is easy for me to meet new people and work in a team. In addition, I control my emotions well and can recognize and interpret them. In most cases, I can easily determine the cause of the appearance of a particular emotion and cope with it if necessary. That helps to better deal with stressful situations and concentrate on completing tasks.


Edward, Y. R., & Purba, K. (2020). The effect analysis of emotional intelligence and work environment on employee performance with organizational commitment as intervening variables in PT Berkat Bima Sentana. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 3(3), 1552-1563. Web.

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