Emotional Balance in Human Relation Management


Emotional balance entails understanding and controlling one’s emotions in a calm, wise and sincere manner. It is an aspect of leadership skills that allows one to find ways to manage their emotions and impulses even in stressful situations. While anger is a normal human emotion, it can ruin the success of a leader if it becomes uncontrollable. Human relation management aims to improve employee motivation and productivity through positive social bonds and workers’ acknowledgement. Human relation management attempts to equip the leader with the needed skills to increase total compensation and improve the well-being of the employees in the workplace. It is vital to note that having a strategic plan to ensure emotional balance in the workplace can benefit an organization and its customers in different ways, such as the provision of quality and timely services, which translates to increased profitability.

Emotional management is essential in promoting positive bonds in the workplace because expressive experiences are responsible for directing people to act in a certain manner. An individual’s ability to control emotions can influence their relationship with others in the workplace (Reece & Reece, 2016). To relate well with others in the workplace, one should be able to control their emotions and have great emotional intelligence. While intelligence quotient (IQ) deals with reasoning and thinking, emotional quotient (EQ) involves controlling and monitoring one behavior and emotions in relation to those of others.


Not everyone is born with emotional intelligence; however, it can be learnt through awareness and self-training. The emotional competence skills framework contains dimensions of personal and social competence. Personal competence concerns the ability to analyze one’s emotions accurately and to be able to equip oneself with high levels of emotional maturity. In contrast, social competence involves handling relationships with others by relating one’s emotions with theirs. One can sense others’ thoughts, intentions, and feelings, which improves human relations (Reece & Reece, 2016). One may be able to openly listen and send convincing messages to others and resolve disagreements and negotiations with high effectiveness. Emotions play a significant role in the organization’s success; hence leaders need to be equipped with emotional intelligence. Communication efficiency is affected by the emotions one holds toward others in the working environment. Good relations with the customers are achieved too, which plays a major role in customer satisfaction and offering quality services.

Leaders’ toxic emotions in an organization result in emotional pain for the workers and clients. Emotional toxicity may demoralize employees and affect performance, damaging the organization’s health (Al-Dhuhouri et al., 2020). Negative emotions diminish the worker’s sense of self-worth, creating a culture where they feel unappreciated, downhearted and hopeless. Under such a situation, employees become alienated from the workplace objectives and shift their energy into the pain and stress they are experiencing. Further, the situation may hinder the entire organization’s productivity if not corrected within a short duration. On the other hand, positive leaders understand how to control their emotions in relation to other people’s feelings (Johnson et al., 2020). The impact of the leader’s enthusiastic and optimistic traits may transmit to the employees, who may be a source of motivation.

Emotional development may be affected by factors such as temperament and environment as well as unconscious influence fostered by memories, ideas, desires and frustrations. As much as people may not remember all the past events, such occurrences may be responsible for human behaviors that affect the present life (Ryan et al., 2019). For instance, childhood experiences may affect one’s character and reaction to events and relate to others.

Anger management is an essential characteristic in leadership to enhance human relations. Workplace rage may include yelling, physical violence, and verbal abuse. The cause of anger may result from stress related to elements such as long working hours, lack of recognition, unrealistic deadlines and bullying (Anasori et al., 2020). Practices to manage anger include maintaining individual emotions in check by keeping an anger journal that monitors reactions and finds ways to cope with triggers. One may reframe the situation that led to anger and analyze it by considering the other person’s cause of action. An individual should be aware of self-talk and avoid instances that make one feel like they are the victim. Taking time to calm down before resulting to action, such as sending emails or confronting others, is essential in managing negative emotions (Ryan et al., 2019). Additionally, one should pay close attention to the important things in life and recognize that most frustrations, indignities and inconveniences are temporary and trivial occurrences which everyone should learn to control.

Effective ways to express one’s anger improve other people’s chances of receiving and responding to one’s message and suggestions. Expression of feelings promptly is essential to enable one to think critically and make rational decisions (Geddes et al., 2020). Silent treatment should be avoided while focusing on communication to achieve common grounds in times of conflict. In human relations, dealing with other people’s anger is a difficult task but is critically significant. One may encourage the angry individual to release their emotion by asking questions and listening to responses carefully to devise solutions (Anasori et al., 2020). It is advisable to avoid provoking responses to an angry person by keeping a soft tone and giving reassuring feedback to indicate an understanding of their situation (Oliver, 2020). Readiness to lower one’s ego and acknowledge own mistakes is essential to controlling emotions in an organized manner.

A strategic human relations plan ensures a good working environment that benefits both the organization and the customer. For instance, when a firm’s leadership ensures a balance of emotions in the workplace, employees will likely be increased productivity by employees who feel appreciated and respected. A great relationship between workers and the management creates a culture of well-trained personnel who can relate well with customers and offer quality and time services (Oliver, 2020). Customers can benefit by receiving satisfactory relations from happy employees. Such clients can build the firm’s reputation by referring their friends, which benefits the firm.


The strategic plan in human relations management is essential as it provides skills for communication and social interaction in the workplace. The interactions promote teamwork, motivation and positive energy in the working environs. Workers treated well by leaders with great emotional intelligence are likely to feel appreciated and motivated to stay focused on workplace activities. Such workers relate appropriately with each other, enhancing creativity, innovation, teamwork, and overall productivity and profitability in an organization. Additionally, customers are likely to get excellent services which are timely, saving them unnecessary waiting durations. When the leader and team relationship is excellent, employees can offer feedback and suggestions without fear and feel involved in essential decision-making. For a human management strategic plan, a firm should devise ways to allow employees and management to utilize their assertive skills to enhance emotional competence and communicate well with others. Employees can control emotions by reacting to conflicts calmly while considering other people’s emotions. Individuals should actively listen and empathize with other people’s sentiments during conflicts or disagreements. Leaders and managers should invest in ensuring the emotional well-being of employees is kept in check to avoid consequences associated with negative human relations. Workplaces should be characterized by the maintenance of positive emotions and attitudes towards each other. Good human relations benefit organizations and customers by promoting customer relations and increasing organizational productivity.


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Anasori, E., Bayighomog, S. W., & Tanova, C. (2020). Workplace bullying, psychological distress, resilience, mindfulness, and emotional exhaustion. The Service Industries Journal, 40(1-2), 65-89. Web.

Geddes, D., Callister, R. R., & Gibson, D. E. (2020). A message in the madness: Functions of workplace anger in organizational life. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(1), 28-47. Web.

Johnson, K. R., Park, S., & Chaudhuri, S. (2020). Mindfulness training in the workplace: Exploring its scope and outcomes. European Journal of Training and Development. Vol. 44 No. 4/5, pp. 341-354. Web.

Oliver, T. (2020). The importance of subordinate emotional intelligence development in the workplace. The International Trade Journal, 34(1), 162-172. Web.

Reece, B., & Reece, M. (2016). Effective human relations: Interpersonal and organizational applications. Cengage Learning.

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