Educational Tests Examination in the State of Florida

Throughout the Florida Department of Education, there are many assignment types and educational tests, which help a diverse group of individuals to assess someone’s level of knowledge in any sphere of work. Moreover, people can also proceed with a test for exceptional students. The website is attractive due to its simplicity and conciseness, while the amount of information is considerable (Florida Department of Education, c). As a result, the Florida educational system is a great example of providing tests for exceptional students, primary grades, post-secondary grades, and even future teachers.

Firstly, no tests are provided for children under 8 years old. There are 3 – 8 grades standardized tests, which are usually performed in spring. According to the Florida state authority, standardized tests’ main policy is that children should be present at school while writing the exam. On the other hand, there is a remarkable diversity of standardized tests constructed for children up to 10 years old from primary school and named “K-12” (Florida Department of Education, b). These tests are determined to provide a clear assessment for primary school children. In this type of test, only those children who applied for this test earlier and are under 10 years old until the date of writing can participate in the testing process. The procedure is totally provided on the Florida statewide assessments portal so that there is no need for physical contact to pass the test.

According to Florida state authority, “the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provides a clear mandate for identifying, assessing, and serving all students with disabilities, ages 3–21” (Florida Department of Education, a, p.20). Moreover, there must be an adult who will take care of the student with disabilities in case of some to provide high-quality conditions for exceptional students. The Florida state government developed a particular document for children with disabilities (Florida Department of Education, a). It may help determine the needed action in the case of emergency.

Finally, because of such primary grades care, children have an opportunity to become a part of one of the most effective primary educational systems in the world. All the children can pass a wide variety of educational tests for free in their primary school system. In addition, exceptional children receive constant aid from the government that enables them to gain an equal right to education.


Florida Department of Education, (n.d.a). Accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities in career education and adult general education. Web.

Florida Department of Education, (n.d.b). Certification subject area examinations.

Florida Department of Education, (n.d.c). Florida statewide assessments portal. Web.

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