Cross-Cultural Training Project for Hospital Staff

My project is to provide cross-cultural training to the staff of New Harbor Memorial Hospital. Two outcomes will be measured, including the satisfaction level of Latino patients and self-reported cross-cultural self-efficacy. Below is a proposed ten-question survey designed to measure the satisfaction level of Latino Patients. The survey includes four demographic questions and six content questions.

Demographic Questions

  1. Your age:
    1. Below 18
    2. 18 to 24
    3. 25 to 34
    4. 35 to 44
    5. 45 to 54
    6. 55 and above
  2. Your gender:
    1. Male
    2. Female
  3. Your highest educational level:
    1. Less than a high school diploma
    2. Graduated high school or equivalent
    3. Associate degree
    4. Bachelor’s degree
    5. Post-graduate degree
  4. Your race/ethnicity:
    1. White, Non-Hispanic
    2. Black/African American
    3. Hispanic
    4. Other.

Content Questions

Instructions: For the following seven statements, please rate how much you agree with them. Use the following scale: (1) disagree; (2) disagree to a certain extent; (3) neither agree nor disagree (4) agree to a certain extent; (5) agree.

1Generally, I am satisfied with the care I received at New Harbor Memorial Hospital.
2I believe that New Harbor Memorial Hospital has the appropriate equipment and supplies to treat any medical conditions.
3The personnel treated me nicely.
4The staff of New Harbor Memorial Hospital treated my cultural beliefs with respect.
5I had problems communicating with personnel due to cultural differences.
6Language was a significant barrier to communication with the staff of New Harbor Memorial Hospital.

The survey is expected to be effective for evaluating the outcome of cross-cultural training, as it measures the level of satisfaction of patients with the provided services. The questionnaire includes demographic questions that identified the background characteristics essential for the research project (Allen, 2017). The content questions measure the level of satisfaction from different angles, including general satisfaction level with services, the satisfaction with the actions of the personnel, and the cultural and linguistical aspects of the patient communication.


Allen, M. (2017). Survey: Demographic questions. Sage. Web.

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