Communication Challenges in Alzheimer’s Disease

Mrs. Jones has a challenge with her brain coordination due to Alzheimer’s disease, which she is suffering from. She cannot remember that the care facility was her new home or that her husband had died. That condition is a common type of dementia, a severe memory loss (Avan, 2021). The responses that I could make in the case where Mrs. Jones insists that she wants to go home include calming her agitation so that she stops being worried or restless. In this case, I will reassure her, speak to her politely, listen to her concerns, and try to understand what she wants.

Possible Actions and Response

While walking around the care facility, I must talk to Mrs. Jones and explain to her the reason why she is at the clinic and that I am not her husband. However, it requires a few minutes to settle her mind so that I begin engaging her concerning her problems. When someone has this kind of disorder, they need to be handled carefully so that the condition does not escalate further. It means Mrs. Jones should not detect that the caregivers are against her wish when she requests to be taken home. While declining to discharge her, I must give her various positive images of why she should stay for a while to change her mind in the right way.

What Mrs. Jones Is Trying to Communicate

Mrs. Jones is trying to communicate that she is not aware of what happened, which means she has severe Alzheimer’s disease that needs to be checked thoroughly. Although she does not directly intend to communicate that, the indirect means observed from her actions are a basis for a nurse to intervene (Avan, 2021). As a nurse, I will understand that she has language issues due to the memory lapse that she is undergoing, and she may not be able to cope with new situations.

Mrs. Jones’ Response to Declining Her Request and Walking Away

Assuming that I declined to take Mrs. Jones home after telling her I am not her husband, the next reaction will be more agitation which results in deep aggression and restlessness. Her condition will deteriorate more, and she may suffer from severe dementia (“Coping Strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers”, 2022). Walking away will cause more harm to her because, in that case, I am supposed to offer her my time and talk to her calmly, and when she gains significant memory resumption, I can explain to her and then leave politely. That would be essential to prevent any possible drama in the facility since she may start showing moments of distress that may lead to the emergence of other complications, such as high blood pressure.


Avan, A. (2021). Stroke and dementia, leading causes of neurological disability and death, have potential for prevention. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 17(S10), 7.

Coping strategies for Alzheimer’s disease caregivers. (2022).

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