Business Communication and Organizational Behavior


Employees’ perception of the power policy in the organization is determined by the degree of rationality, the adequacy of the proposed tactics, and the behavior of power representatives. Rational persuasion is the predominant concept of organizational behavior and shows high indexes of successful implementation (Robbins & Judge, 2016). This tactic can promote positive and effective organizational interactions among employees of the same rank or different work statuses.

Tactics of Influence and Deinfluentization

The paper “Tactics of Influence and Deinfluentization, Personality and the Personal Sense of Power Among Polish Managers” is extensive research by Polish scientists. It is based on a three-part study with different methodologies for analyzing behavioral tactics. The work first assessed theoretical data on the concepts (Paliga, Pollak, & Kozusznik, 2021). Further, the authors conducted a methodologically developed analysis of the practical application of tactics in the Polish managers’ segment. They considered rational persuasion one of “the subforms of soft tactics,” examining the nature of the interaction between people in the organization (Paliga et al., 2021). Researchers found that managers use persuasion as part of brutal tactics. However, when they begin to resort to a more logical and reasoning-prone type of behavior, indicators of internal business culture increase. In addition, the authors suggest that this is related to the manager’s temperament type, and Robbins and Judge (2016) also look at the correlation between culture and responsibility. It confirms the theoretical underpinnings of organizational management and leadership behavior.

The article consists of three different studies conducted to describe how trait- and state-like variables are related to influence tactics and deinfluentization. The researchers had large enough samples (n1=250; n2=104; n3=69) to allow the authors to draw individual conclusions and combine them into a single discussion (Paliga et al., 2021). Each study was conducted with social interaction managers – this made them promising, relevant, and enjoyable to learn. In addition, Paliga et al. (2021) identified the relationship between the two through variables that concretized the rationality of using rational persuasion. Consequently, the paper contains valid data that should be used to research this type of behavior.

The paper found that rational persuasion is prevalent in teams with open business cultures. It is a cohesive factor for meetings and allows employees to develop a sense of responsibility for their work (Paliga et al., 2021). Study 1 is convinced that this tactic builds the organization’s understanding of the value of information and each employee, giving a complete picture of their work. In addition, Study 2 allowed the researchers to find that rational persuasion directly affects the adequacy of decision-making because it correlates with logical behavior and reasoning. The authors also noted a moderate personal sense of power in the entire sample: it consisted of 250 individuals (Paliga et al., 2021). It supported the theory that managers’ responsibility is correlated with the soft management of people without violence or other behavior (Robbins & Judge, 2016). These performances were likely achieved through established business principles.

Logical actions, arguments, and reliable sources of information are the main criteria for rational persuasion. Paliga et al. (2021) found a positive correlation between reasonable influence and extraversion and conscientiousness, confirming a theory about the approach to managing people. Managers’ capacity for competent power politics is determined through cooperative resources and combining persuasion with other tactics. Collective attitudes and incentives become the prominent companions of rational persuasion. Consequently, the authors’ research supports the findings of Robbins and Judge (2016), demonstrating the high effectiveness of applying rational persuasion in practice.

How Do Safety Engineers Improve Their Job Performance?

In managing people and their interactions in teams, the perception of employees by superiors is essential. A rational approach to assessing each individual’s skills plays a role in this (Robbins & Judge, 2016). The study “How do safety engineers improve their job performance?” focuses on trust and gaining support based on the behavioral tactics implemented in the organization (Bunner, Prem, & Korunka, 2019). The article contains the main theses on the principles of interaction, among which special attention is paid to information security and the creation of trusting relationships in the team. Bunner et al. (2019) see trust in employees as the primary way to build relationships and achieve company goals. They believe that rational persuasion is an opportunity to provide support and create an effective communication system. After conducting a study in a large enough sample (n=251), the authors confirmed the hypothesis of a positive relationship between management support and rational persuasion (Bunner et al., 2019). Consequently, the article offers relevant information on the practical aspect of soft influence tactics.

The article provides an overview of the interaction strategy of security officers with general managers and examines the dependence of factors influencing the choice of behavioral tactics. The authors found a positive correlation between the position held, level of technical education, and employees’ communication channels with supervisors (Bunner et al., 2019). They noted that a high level of education usually corresponds to an open type of interaction involving soft influence tactics. It supports Robbins and Judge’s (2016) ideas, showing a link between cultural and other values and behavior in the organization. There was no relationship between gender and the tactics chosen, but studies with conflicting data (Bunner et al., 2019). It suggests the need to continue to explore the factors that drive communication within an organization through soft skills rather than pressure and coercion.

The article draws the reader’s attention to how the perception of an employee’s role changes under the influence of transformational leadership. The authors tested one hypothesis and asserted that a mutual understanding of the value of people’s skills and roles increases their effectiveness (Bunner et al., 2019). By shaping individual attitudes based on reasoning and logical conclusions, managers build behavioral tactics that will play into the hands of both the employee and the company. Although Robbins and Judge (2016) suggest that individuality often goes along with personal rewards and other incentives, the authors draw attention to the importance of individual evaluation in a rational context (Bunner et al., 2019). Logical persuasion tactics create a sense of responsibility and awareness for the decision and consequences, thereby setting the stage for the employee to develop specific skills. The researchers emphasize that their study was predominantly influenced by management support through goal statement logic. Thus, their work aligns with the critical points of Robbins and Judge (2016) and meets the criteria of a decently conducted study.


Thus, based on the literature review, it can be concluded that rational persuasion is an effective way to address an organization’s communication and cultural values. According to Paliga et al. (2021), this tactic promotes a conscious sense of power and responsibility. Bunner et al. (2019) draw attention to the fact that supporting leadership in this way shapes employee values. Consequently, rational persuasion is a successfully implemented tool for managing people.


Bunner, J., Prem, R., & Korunka, C. (2019). How do safety engineers improve their job performance? The roles of influence tactics, expert power, and management support. Employee Relations, 42(2), 381-397.

Paliga, M., Pollak, A., & Kozusznik, B. (2021). Tactics of influence and deinfluentization, personality and the personal sense of power among polish managers. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 23(3), 267-290.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2016). Essentials of organizational behavior (13th ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson.

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