Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis and Impacting Variables

Mr. Dion may have bipolar disorder. An excessive alteration in mood, metabolic rate, and cognitive functioning hallmarks bipolar disorder, a psychological problem. It is accompanied by a significant cycle of mania and bouts of depression that are so severe that they result in dysfunctionality in the individual (Lockett, 2018). When one’s state of mind shifts from average to madness, they may feel euphoric, full of energy, or bad-tempered. Once one wakes up feeling annihilated, they may feel discouraged or hopeless, exhausted, or have a sense of accomplishment in their most complex activities. These imbalances in attitude can impact rest, authority, activity, decision, leadership, and the willingness to accept things.

Biological, Phycological, and Social Variables Impacting the Client

The mania and depression should occur for at least a week and be categorized by a significantly raised and psychomotor agitation, as well as at least three of the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Conscience and energy levels have both improved.
  2. Experiencing insufficient sleep.
  3. Having thoughts of racing.
  4. An increase in the tendency to talk.
  5. A significant rise in aim-oriented activity.
  6. A surge in distractible activity.
  7. Participating in activities that have the possibility of negative repercussions.

Depressive incidents, on the other contrary, are characterized by highly depressive episodes, despair, exhaustion, and a lack of interest in activities. It is required that a person experience five or more of the following conditions within two weeks, according to the DSM 5:

  1. A distressed state of mind.
  2. A general lack of interest and enjoyment in all activities.
  3. Fatigue or a decrease in energy.
  4. Feeling a sense of worthlessness or culpability.
  5. Participating in pointless activities.
  6. Suicidal ideation regularly.
  7. A significant reduction in body weight

The manic-depressive episode is characterized by fluctuation between depression and mania.

Assessment for Competence

Mr. Dion’s erratic mood swings have been characterized by the following: Five days of distress preceded twenty-five days of unusually high energy levels, irritability, and euphoria. For years to come, this pattern of ups and downs rehashed itself with seemingly several normal days in between. Signs of manic phase: Mr. Dion was hopeful and conscience throughout his lively durations, but easily frustrated at the same time. He was exhausted and unable to move around much. In his expertise duties, his decision was chaotic. A costly stereo system and several Doberman pinschers were among the extravagant purchases he made out of character for him. Then there were the numerous unplanned liaisons that he had.

BPD-related dysfunction: Mr. Dion had been fired from his job five years earlier since his supervisor believed his excessive activity resulted from drugs. When Mr. Dion was depressed, he stayed at home most of the day because he was tired, unmotivated, and in a distressed frame of mind. He was remorseful for his impulsiveness and overindulgence over the past few weeks. Eating, showering, and shaving were all suspended for him. As soon as Mr. Dion felt better and returned to work, he worked tirelessly but ineffectually to catch up on the work he had put on hold during his depressive periods, which were often longer than a week.


Lockett, H., Lai, J., Tuason, C., Jury, A., & Fergusson, D. (2018). Primary healthcare utilisation among adults with mood and anxiety disorders: an analysis of the New Zealand health survey. Journal of Primary Health Care, 10(1), 68-75.

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