Baking4Better Campaign: Measuring Success

In order to assess the success of the #Baking4BetterCampaign, we will use various metrics. First, the direct measurement of the marketing campaign results can be obtained through the analytics provided by the social media platforms. In this regard, Instagram offers a feature called ‘Instagram insights,’ which shows how many accounts were reached and how many people engaged with the created posts during the last 90 days (Meta, n.d.). In particular, we will see how many people viewed our content and what actions – like, post, reply, or share – they took and compare this data to the period prior to the campaign initiation. Moreover, Instagram provides user demographic information, implying that we will be able to measure engagement with the post by gender, age, and place of residence. In a similar vein, the so-called ‘Twitter Analytics’ allows for assessing the campaign’s performance on Twitter (Twitter, n.d.). In general, all the features are similar to those of Instagram, with the only difference being that Twitter allows adjusting the analyzed period of time.

In addition to the metrics provided by the social media platforms, we can use a content analysis method to gain not only quantitative but also qualitative information. To achieve that, we will download all the user comments with the help of data crawling applications and later conduct sentiment analysis to determine the emotional response. As a result, if the positive reactions would significantly prevail over the negative ones, we can conclude that the campaign was successful.

Moreover, our success can be measured by assessing the dynamics in the number of TV viewers after the campaign’s start. If the show’s rating grows substantially, it will imply that #Baking4BetterCampaign was effective in attracting viewers. However, this metric should be used carefully, as other factors may cause the change in viewers’ preferences. Last but not least, the campaign’s success can be measured by determining the number of people who donated their money to feed people in need. Although this data does not provide direct information concerning the number of people who watch the TV show, it may show whether we successfully created positive word-of-mouth regarding the program.


Meta. (n.d.). About Instagram insights. Facebook. Web.

Twitter. (n.d.). How to use Twitter Analytics. Web.

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