The department structure of the two organizations, namely Indian River State College and Florida Re-Entry, are organized differently. The Indian River State College has a trustee board structure, where a president is the main figure (Indian River State College, 2021). He is responsible for the college’s policy improvement and makes the most important decisions. He also represents the organization when collaborating with other organizations or taking part in various official events and contracts. There are three more trustees that are attorney, an executive foundation director, and an administrator of the legislative and executive committee. The administrator of the legislative is a legal authority of the organization. The executive foundation director is responsible for the efficient operation of the organization. The president is the main organizer, spokesperson, and planner for the organization.
The trustee will focus on general institutional guidelines and delegate operational management procedures to the school principal. Through proper governance oversight and review, trustees ensure that a wide range of guidelines facilitate the school’s mission and reduce risk to the school and its community. The trustee is the ultimate administrator of the school’s well-being and future and is responsible for shaping, approving, and overseeing its policies for it. Strategic planning based on an organization’s mission and vision is one of the tools a board needs to function effectively. The trustee may or may not participate directly in the planning process, either approving the updated mission statement or reviewing the current mission statement. The trustee can also approve the mission statement and set of values or values statements that underlie all school decisions. The strategic institutional goals of the plan are approved by the trustee. In other words, as a board member, the trustee plans the future of the organization.
Florida Re-Entry has three main subdivisions that are recovery, treatment, and rehabilitation departments. The three departments are further divided into smaller sectors, each has its specific responsibilities and target operating areas. They are chaplaincy services, prison libraries, substance use services, community exercise, mental health support, prison education initiative, and employment opportunities post-release (Vaughn, 2021). Such division of the departments allows them to focus on certain tasks and objectives. In addition, it makes the structure of the organization more understandable and thus more accessible for the team members and the prisoners. For example, if the prisoners are required to acquire some particular knowledge through literature, the department of prison libraries is responsible for the book supply. The employment opportunities post-release department organizes the processes for the job provision for ex-prisoners. If the prisoners have some kind of mental issues, they will know that they should refer to the mental health support department. Since the mission of the Florida Re-Entry is based on helping ex-prisoners to reintegrate back into society, such an approach helps the organization to achieve its goals.
The structures of the organization are quite different, and that is due to the unalike missions. Indian River State College and Florida Re-Entry have divergent aims, and the departments will be organized according to the aims of the organizations. The mission of the former is based on the provision of quality education; thus, its department division is adjusted so that the managing processes could undergo fast and efficient education policy decision-making and solving legal issues. The latter seeks to facilitate the adaptation of the ex-prisoners, and their department division is oriented on helping them.
Vaughn S. (2021). Former Offender Re-Entry Programs and Resources in Florida. Web.
Indian River State College. (2021). Web.