Aspects of the Multiple Sclerosis


The patient has addressed the healthcare facility for the further guidelines and clarifications regarding her condition, specifically, multiple sclerosis (MS). Presently, the patient has been displaying the signs and symptoms that indicate the early onset of MS, which is why an early intervention is expected to help minimize the course of MS progression. By introducing a combination of corticosteroids for minimizing the attack recovery time and a patient education technique for managing MS-related symptoms, one will be able to assist the patient and increase the quality of her life.


Currently, the symptoms that the patient exhibits are quite typical of MS. Namely, she has complained about the increasing sensation of weakness in her limbs, which has restricted a range of physical activities for her. Combined with the impaired ability of movement coordination, the observed issue has led to a drop in the quality of the patient’s life. The specified concerns are enhanced by the presence of an unsteady gait, which restricts the patient’s movements. In addition, she has developed vision issues; specifically, the presence of blurry vision and the emergence of double vision situations have become repeated and confusing for her. Furthermore, the patient has complained about frequently occurring instances of vertigo and fatigue, which are also indicating of MS (National Institute of Health, n.d.). While the observed mood disturbances could be attributed to the described challenges, frequent mood swings can also be seen as a symptom of MS. Finally, the patient has complained that her cognitive abilities have been affected since she has been encountering particular challenges remembering specific events. The slurred speech observed during the interactions with the patient also confirms the presence of MS.


With a combination of a medicalized approach based on the sue of corticosteroids and the integration of a therapy-based approach, one will be able to assist the patient in managing and mitigating the instances of MS relapses. As a result, the quality of the patient’s life will increase significantly. Therefore, the proposed solution should be regarded as the main framework for the further symptom management technique.


National Institute of Health. (n.d.). Multiple sclerosis. Web.

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