Aspects of the MBA Class of COVID-19

The Yale School of Management’s associate dean, Edieal Pinker, objects to the notion that the COVID-19 pandemic has diminished the relevance of the MBA. Mr. Pinker maintains that the typical two-year degree remains essential. With the world economy rising due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial cost of this expensive degree did not seem beneficial to many. The University of Illinois, for example, has announced that it will discontinue its residential MBA course in 2019 (The Economist, 2021). COVID-19 preserved the MBA as Sangeet Chowfla, the chairman of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), asserts that colleges increased their efforts.

With more direct linkages to Asia, HEC Paris, London Business School, and other top European institutions have noticed an increase in applications. The Asian nations’ greater response to the epidemic allowed them to keep their schools available for application for overseas students. March witnessed a rise in applicants from Europe and North America to Hong Kong University Business School (HKUBS) (The Economist, 2021). According to HKUBS’s Sachin Tipnis, these were mostly students who intended to pursue MBA in the West but ultimately decided to enroll in Asia.

Travel, as well as visa difficulties, increased students’ applications nationwide. The number of mainland applications to China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), a prestigious Shanghai business school, increased by 30 % in 2020 (The Economist, 2021). Additionally, schools bolstered online and dynamic degree programs and incorporated digital instruction into core MBA programs. The Ross School, for example, creates tailored leadership and professional development experiences for students.


The Economist. (2021). The MBA class of covid-19. The Economist Group Limited. Web.

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