Aspects of the Cooperation of Nurses

It is significant to emphasize that Healthy People 2030 aims to enhance the general health of U.S. citizens. Parish nurses can assist in eliminating disparities in the provision of care for individuals of different races and social groups (Brach & Harris, 2021). At the same time, they can promote health literacy in the community, which will increase people’s awareness of the medical system and disease. Parish nurses may contribute to an environment that develops the health potential of the population (Brach & Harris, 2021). For instance, they might conduct annual women’s health screenings or provide oral health counseling for children. It is significant to note that faith communities can effectively support the nationwide goals of protecting the health of citizens. They can inform members of their congregation about major health events happening in the town or village (Brach & Harris, 2021). In addition, faith community leaders can invite doctors to provide voluntary and unpaid health evaluations.

However, community nurses can establish partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities. They can share experiences and disease management practices and offer practical help to colleagues when needed. A modern treatment ideology should be built on collaboration and mutual aid principles (Brach & Harris, 2021). This will enable the religious community to receive the primary care that parish nurses can provide and more professional treatment. In this way, it will enable the religious community to enhance their medical consciousness and their health condition. At the same time, if a patient is seriously ill, the parish nurse will immediately contact the community nurse (Brach & Harris, 2021). This will guarantee a prompt response from the medical staff and maximize the patient’s health recovery chances. Hence, nursing collaboration is critical to advancing national health improvement goals.


Brach, C., & Harris, L. M. (2021). Healthy people 2030 health literacy definition tells organizations: make information and services easy to find, understand, and use. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(4), 1084-1085.

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