Aspects of Effective Management Change


Effective management change is an integral part of the process that allows you to meet the requirements of customers and employees. In case of non-compliance with the project, the organization may face a number of problems, which include drastic costly changes. Change management allows management to spend less money and resources through a systematic and thoughtful change in goals and technologies within the organization. The goal of the plan is to introduce strategies that implement smooth changes, control their flow, and support employees to adapt to them.


Like many other companies, healthcare organizations face significant challenges in their day-to-day operations. The increase in drug prices has led to a decrease in revenues in the sector. In addition, regulatory requirements are constantly changing, which increases the one to control the process of innovation in the company, gradually adapting them to the staff. By gradually adjusting them to the employees, McKinsey’s 7-S Management Change Model will enable one to govern the company’s innovation process. (Galli, 2018). The model reveals the implementation of managerial changes and the preparation of employees of the organization for the difficulties that they may encounter in the process.

Of the implemented changes, it is important to consider a progress map that can record the success of employees. Additional seminars and training allow one to quickly integrate into the workflow and be more prepared. The HR department can track the mood of employees using surveys, in which new employees can comment on the availability of information. All of this requires effective transformation models that will enhance employee satisfaction. At the same time, an increase in the motivation and productivity of the employees of the organization is expected. This is because they will feel involved in understanding the change and the process itself (Hussain et al., 2018). They will understand that periodic new goals and methods contribute to the improvement of the organizational structure. In addition, a visual display of graphs and statistics of changes can give them confidence in the correctness of the case. However, conflict situations may arise in which people do not agree with the new rules. To solve these problems, it is important to arrange meetings, listen to people’s opinions, and discuss stages that are incomprehensible to them.

Ethical rules are important for maintaining the culture and rules of an organization. This helps to establish a trusting relationship between co-workers and patients. As mentioned above, workers may struggle to understand new techniques and concepts. ACHE Code of Ethics states that management undertakes to provide “a work environment that encourages a free expression of ethical concerns and provides mechanisms for discussing and addressing such concerns” (ACHE Code of Ethics, n.d.). This means that new employees may require additional coaching and seminars to provide them with the best conditions for adaptation.


I provide the following plan, which includes reorganization opportunities and helps new hires adjust to the workplace. The project applies the McKinsey 7-S Management Change Model, which addresses important aspects of employee acceptance of innovation. In addition, for successful implementation, it is necessary to control the mood and condition of employees after the interview and the first days. This will allow management to understand how much information is available to them and whether they need additional help. In addition, we need a system that keeps track of how employees react to changes. Successful meetings and lectures can be aimed at reducing the number of misunderstandings. In this case, employees and management can achieve a joint goal.


ACHE Code of Ethics. (n.d.). ACHE. Web.

Galli, B. J. (2018). Change management models: A comparative analysis and concerns. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 46(3), 124-132.

Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123-127. Web.

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