Aristotle’s Three Forms of Friendship

Aristotle’s three acquaintance systems include pleasure relationship, utility attachment, and virtue alliance. Though it is not clear how individuals ought to comprehend the difference between the three methods, the central idea argues that virtue, utility, and pleasure explain why these bond forms exist. A person may love a friend to gain benefits or importance of the person or because of his virtuous character. All three relationship procedures seem to include concerns about friends. Aristotle considers virtue friendship as the best because it relies on an individual’s mutual concern for other people and facilitates contentment.

Happiness entails achieving the ‘daimon’ or self-perfection, while attaining nature’s ultimate perfection involves rational reflection. Striving for self-perfection offers direction and meaning to life, while having a purposeful and meaningful life is worth it. In virtue friendship, moral virtues are exchanged among friends whereby the associates learn each other’s moral values that help them make good decisions later in their lives. Friends are vital aspects that do not have a timeline since a friendship has a long-lasting and strong connection. Virtue friends treat each other as an end by being kind to each other and acting to show humanity.

Virtue relationship assists the involved parties in attaining their happiness since it contributes to perfection and enriches human nature, which requires human beings to make difficult choices. I think a person should only have utility networks and virtue groups but avoid pleasure relations. Pleasure interactions are only available for pleasure but will not help a person in case of a challenge. In contrast, utility and benefit friends are useful and contribute to an individual’s moral merits. However, asset friendship is the best for the reason that it relies on a mutual quality appreciation that the other friend cherishes.

Quality friends are beneficial and pleasurable when friends respect and care for each other. They gain joy and happiness. Helpers who enjoy being with their support have a tall chance of experiencing high happiness levels, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Additionally, they have low chances of being victimized, depressed, or lonely. True friendship is possible only when similar virtues exist among good people because only good individuals love one another for their mutual benefit.

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