Applied Psychology in Talent Management

The modern business environment needs a more human-centered management approach. Cascio and Aquinis (2019) emphasize that globalization affects the fact that the processes of production of goods and services are becoming less secure. They note that “stability and predictability are characterized by the old psychological contract” (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019, p. 6). The current situation requires managers to change their approach to considering the psychological factors that affect the functioning of companies and their employees. Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology helps modern organizations use evidence-based methods for better talent management.

In order to effectively adress talent management I-O psychologists use a range of tools to evaluate and strategically plan the development of employees within a company. First of all, such specialists evaluate the roles that employees perform within the company and how they interact with it. They use supply-chain analysis, consider the company within the framework of open-systems theory, and inquire how recruitment, training, performance and other human resources factors affect the company’s work (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019). I-O psychologists analyze the skills and qualities that are needed within certain positions in order to improve the effectiveness of selection and recruiting srategies, as well as to develop a training plan for existing employees. Surveys, interviews, personality-based job analysis, competency models and other evidence-based tools can be used for this purposes (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019). Finally, I-O psychologists use measurements of individual differences to create more effective training and staff development plans. Thus, they can use the personal skills and qualities of employees to match the overall business strategy.

The most significant challenge in talent management I have encountered is the need to create an effective talent development strategy. The main problem in this regard was the choice of the appropriate direction of training, as well as the means for its implementation. Methods of I-O psychology could be applied in this situation for a more effective needs assessment with a focus on measurements of individual differences. This approach would allow me narrowing down the pool of potential employee development trajectories and select the most necessary ones within the framework of the organizational strategy and interests of a particular person.


Cascio, W. F. & Aquinis, H. (2019). Applied psychology in talent management (8th ed.). Washington D.C. Sage.

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